four || firelord zuko

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"Sugar Queen!" Toph hollered at me, and threw a rock at my arm.

"Ow! What do you want?" I yelped, beginning to crawl up on Appa. Toph spit on the ground and sighed.

"Can you help me up?" she asked, without a pang of anger in her tone. I gave her a small smile, even though she wouldn't notice, and helped her up on Appa.

Sokka and Suki were already on, and of course, Sokka was already complaining. "Aang! Hurry up! I haven't eaten since yesterday, and that's probably the longest I've ever lasted!" he shouts, and Aang rolls his eyes.

"I'm coming! Yeesh!" he called, and used a gust of air to hop on Appa's neck. He grabbed the reins and said "yip yip!"

And off we went.

The trip to the Fire Kingdom was very short, actually. The land that we lived on was literally right outside of the volcano that the city was placed in. Appa fly diagnolly up the large volcano, and swooped in. I checked my sun dial, and it was 9:00.

Once Appa landed, I helped Sokka off of the bison with Suki. The second Sokka reached the ground, and began hobbling over to a meat stand, digging copper pieces out of his pocket. Suki quickly followed him, before he spent all of his money.

"Hey Toph, wanna come with me to the palace?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Why not," she gave in, and followed me to the palace. Aang stayed behind with Sokka and Suki. As Toph and I walked, I heard a large growl. I turned around to see Toph clutching her stomach.

"I'm starving! Can we stop and eat first?" she whined, and I sighed, giving in.

"Sure, there's a food stand over here," I told her, and led her to the stand. She ordered some firepops and a whole fish for herself to eat, and I just went with some bread and a mango. We quickly ate before heading to the palace once again.

"So... you like Zuko, eh?" Toph asked, and I froze up. Where did that come?

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered, mentally face-palming myself. Honestly, what is she talking about? Is it because she knows that I don't like Aang? I've never even thought about Zuko that way...

"Hah! Now I know that you like him! Nice job stuttering, Sugar Queen!" she laughed, pointing at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"I don't like Zuko. I've never even have thought about him that way before! You're just jealous that my brother doesn't like you!" I taunt, and quickly cover my mouth. Toph's face flushed, and I saw tears welling up in her eyes. Did I... just make her cry?

"No, I didn't mean it like that--"

"Thanks Sugar Queen! Thanks a bunch! You probably told Sokka that I liked him, didn't you? And now you're just trying to make me feel bad! Ugh! What is wrong with you?" Toph yelled, tears streaming down her face. She turned away from me and stomped away, people staring at me, and I got many glares.

I ran after Toph. "Toph, no! i didn't even know you liked him, er, I'm sorry!" I shouted after her, and she sent a boulder flying towards me. I dodged it just in time, but I felt too bad to yell at her for almost killing me.

I stood where I was standing, and sighed. What is wrong with me? Why would I say that to her? I messed up, badly.


"Sokka, hurry up already! I want to go see Zuko just as much as everyone else! There will be meat at the palace, I promise!" I huff, pulling on his arm. But my dumb boyfriend wouldn't move. He turned towards me.

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