twenty-one || lend a helping hand

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{A/N: Some of you have been complaining/commenting about how Mai is a mean person and stuff and how you don't like it. Honestly, I love Mai. She's one of my favorite ATLA characters. I just needed an enemy, and I'm not clever enough to make one up. So Mai's the enemy. No hate please, or you can leave. Tysm. xx}


I was running as fast as my earthbending could carry me.

Which, by the way, is extremely fast. I just entered the village, and I quickly stopped bending so I could stomp on the ground, using seismic sense I could find Azula and Ty Lee.

Once I felt their vibrations on where they were, it was of course my luck that they were on the other side of the village. I began earthbending my way over there as fast as I could once again.

My cheeks were still burning from when Sokka kissed me. It was really sudden, and I loved it. I hope he doesn't think of it as a friendly kiss, because I sure don't.

I really like Sokka, I really do. I always have, since I first met him, even though I wanted to punch him.

But I don't think that will ever change, me liking him. Or me wanting to punch him, for that matter.

I wish he'd like me back. I don't exactly know what it feels like to be heart broken, but I had a taste of it and hated it.

Katara's always been like an older sister to me, and I love her for that. She's always been there for me, even though she can get really dramatic and annoying sometimes.

I hope Mai doesn't hurt Katara.


"What's the matter?" Zuko asked. I was dancing around in the sand, trying not to hold my crotch.

"Uhm, I really have to go to the bathroom," I said, blushing immediately. Zuko raised an eyebrow, and tried not to laugh at my pee dance.

"Then go! What are you waiting for?" Zuko asked with a chuckle. I frowned.

"I'm trying to wait for the huge wave to come! A big wave always crashes onto a shore every hour on the hour, and I want to ride this one and bend it! But I don't think I can wait any longer," I explained, tensing up. Zuko rolled his eyes.

"Just go, Katara," he huffed, and I finally gave in, darting to the bath house as quickly as my feet could carry me. The beach was almost totally empty, besides a few guys my age playing volleyball, and a few families on the other side of the beach.

Once I reached the bath house, I quickly did my business and washed up. I tried hurrying, wanting to get back to Zuko and hopefully the wave would be arriving after I got back. I heard someone enter the bath house, which was sort of rude.

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