twenty-two || captured

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Well, I guess me getting kidnapped is ruining my plans of surfing on that huge wave.

Mai took me out of the bathhouse almost immediately after threatening her knife to my neck. My neck has been itchy ever since, I'm nervous. Normally, I would be freaking out and screaming, but I'm pretty sure Mai was earthbending, because the second after she tied my wrists together, she chi-blocked me and earthbended the sand away, and created a tunnel.

Now, since I've been chi-blocked, my vision isn't that great, since she did a few punches at the top of my spine, effecting my vision. I'm hoping it's not permanent damage.

I haven't said a word since we've been in the tunnel. She was dragging me by my feet and cursing as I think she was earthbending. Once I built up the courage, I spoke.

"Are... are you an earthbender?" I asked, drooling. Great, the chi-blocking makes me drool and stutter. Cool.

Mai dropped my feet and hissed after knocking into a wall behind her. She frowned at me.

"Are you dumb? There's a Dai Li agent right behind you. He's the one who's earthbending, and he's the one who chi-blocked you. Katara, honey, I'm only good with knives and kidnapping," she said in her usual monotone voice. I glanced behind me as much as I could, and was able to see a figure of a man. I guess Mai was right.

Well, at least now I know once my chis clear up, and if I have enough water, I can waterbend the shit out of these two. I can handle it.

Mai turned around to the wall. There was a doorknob, and she quickly opened it. Mai sure had everything planned out well.

Mai said something to the Dai Li agent, who earthbended himself back above the ground. I felt the vibrations of him running far away from us. Mai picked my feet back up and dragged me through the doorway. The air was dry, and there wasn't any water.

I got the feeling back into most of my joints, but didn't say anything. My vision was cleared up and I wasn't drooling anymore. I made sure to keep that a secret though, and faked being weak. The room was dark and hot. I realized my water pouch wasn't on me, she must've taken it off.

Great. Now I didn't have any water to bend. "Why did you take me here?" I demanded. Mai rolled her dull eyes.

"So I can keep you away from Zuko, that's why," Mai said. I noticed there was a chain on the wall, and I already knew she was going to lock me up down here. I took a few deep breaths. I felt my body becoming sweaty from the heat, and my hair was still wet from the ocean. When Mai turned around, I hopped up and broke the ropes off my wrists from pure force and energy with a huge grin on my face.

I was not going to be a useless little girl today.


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