two || journey on appa

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"Katara! Wake up!!" Sokka whined, nudging me in the shoulder with his foot. I groaned and sat up. I looked out my window, and it was still dark out.

"Why are we leaving now?" I asked him with a yawn.

"Because I said so!! It's my plan!!!" Sokka complained, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, fine. I'm getting up. Just shut up, sheesh."

My brother just shrugged and limped out of the room. "Suki!" he called down the hallway. I couldn't help but smile. He's such an idiot.

I got up and began to pack my things. I rolled up my sleeping bag that was laid on top of my bed that I'll have to leave behind. I picked up my extra gowns lying around and folded them and set them in my sack. I grabbed my things and left my room.

When I reached the eating area, Aang tossed me a couple of apples. I put those in my bag for the trip. I thanked him and walked outside and put my things on Appa.

In case you didn't know, Appa is Aang's flying sky bison. He is the sweetest creature, and he's the one who transports us everywhere most of the time. I walked down to the small stream and filled up my water bag that I carried on my left shoulder.

I didn't even worry about how my hair looked, I just quickly combed through it with my fingers and stuck my hair loopies back into place.

Suki came walking out of the home with Sokka leaning on one of her shoulders. She had a sack on her other shoulder, probably filled with her Kyoshi warrior uniform and fans. I noticed that she had Sokka's bag that he bought in the Earth Kingdom a while back slung on her shoulder as well.

Sokka just limped with Suki and carried her sword. Sokka did have an incredible sword he made from space rock himself with his master, but he lost it of a fire nation air ship before the battle. You see, Sokka and Suki are the only ones in our group who can't bend. Sokka's pretty good with a sword and has mastered his boomerang, and Suki is great with swords and can use a normal fan as a weapon.

Toph is blind, and she can earth bend and metal bend. Our friend Zuko, erm... Firelord Zuko is a fire bender. I've mastered waterbending at the North Pole from Master Paku, but now he's my grandfather as well. Aang is the Avatar, and has mastered all four elements-- water, earth, fire, and air. Toph is working on teaching his metal bending, but he just doesn't get it.


"CAN'T APPA FLY ANY FASTER?!" Sokka yelled, ripping white clumps of the sky bison's fur out. Appa growled, and Aang frowned.

"Sokka, cut it out! Appa doesn't appreciate that!" Aang whined. Sokka groaned.

"This is taking so long!" he whined, dangling his arms over Appa.

"We left twenty minutes ago," Suki laughed. Sokka just rolled his eyes.

"How long does it take to get to the fire kingdom, anyways?" he wailed, throwing his arms in the air.

"Only a day's worth of flying. It's not that bad," I say to my older brother with an eye roll. He just sighed.

"Can I at least have something to eat?" he whined.

"Didn't you pack any snacks like Aang told us to, Plan Master?" Toph laughed. She grabbed a hunk of sealion jerky and took a huge bite of it.

"I forgot! Please just give me a small piece of meat, please? I'm a poor child, I'm an orphan with a sister who doesn't love me."


"Fine fine. A sister who hates me."

"Sokka, that's enough. I'll land Appa in that little village below, and we can find something to eat," Aang suggests, and we all nod in agreement. Sokka can't last an hour without meat.


"Sweet, sweet land!" I exclaimed as I hopped off Appa with Sokka's approval. I can't see a thing when I'm flying in the air, so can't feel the vibrations of people.

"Toph, we've only been in the air for 30 minutes," I heard Aang say to my right. I could easily tell it was Aang even if he wasn't talking, since his feet is so light on the ground when he walks or stands.

"Shut it, Twinkle Toes," I snap, pointing in his direction, and bend a tiny pebble from the ground and throw it at his head.

"Ow!" Katara whined. I felt her rubbing her head, she must've been right next to Aang.

"Whoops. Sorry Sugar Queen, you walk pretty lightly on the ground too," I shrug, and follow Sokka and Suki into the village.

I wasn't very excited to visit Zuko. He seemed like a great guy after he turned good, but then he burned my feet in that air temple. I gave him another chance, and then we went I got the chance to go on one of those "life-changing field trips" with him, since everyone else already got too. Maybe I did have a small crush on him, but who cares. I'm 13 years old. He's almost 17.

And, that life-changing field trip was the worst one ever.

I tried talking to him about my feelings, because I thought maybe he'd care. Because it seems like no one else cares. Or maybe I haven't just opened up to anyone else, besides Katara for that little bit in Ba Sing Se. But he was too busy searching for Aang. Zuko didn't care about my feelings.

Although he seems like an okay guy now, and did teach Aang firebending, and helped defeat Ozai and Azula, I'll give him credit for that. Otherwise, I'm not the biggest fan of him.

"Can I get four fish, a loaf of bread, and a few mangos please?" Katara asked sweetly at one of the market booths. The ground was warmer than it usually was, we must be getting close to the fire kingdom.

I wandered away from Sugar Queen to try and find a vender with meat. I'm sort of like Sokka-- I love meat. And Sokka.

Wait what.

"Toph!" I heard Sokka yell from a few yards away. I felt him running towards me, with Suki trailing behind him.

"What?!" I holler, stomping over to him. I may like him a little bit, but Agni, he was annoying. Plus, I can't even like Sokka. He has a girlfriend, Suki! And Suki is really nice, and pretty, probably.

"I need to borrow a few coins! If I get three more, I can get a whole chicken monkey!" he said, standing in front of me. I heard him drooling, so I rolled my shitty eyes that don't let me see.

I dig into my pocket and find five coins. I give him the three he needed, he thanked me, and ran away with Suki. I only sighed and began walking back by Katara.


Second chapter, yayyyy!! I wanted this to be a Taang fanfic as well, but my sister got pissed and insisted that Toph be lesbian with Ty Lee or she likes Sokka. So I'm going with Sokka, because I ship Tokka as well.

Comment your thoughts! Thankssssss -melea

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