twenty || the enemy

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"So, how about it?" I asked, nudging Zuko in the side with my elbow. He scowled, and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, you're lucky you're pretty," Zuko said. We stripped into our swimsuits and I ran towards the ocean with Zuko close behind me. I quickly waterbended a surfboard made up of ice and surfed the waves. Zuko blasted fire from his knuckles, making him fly in the air and land in the water with a splash. He resurfaced and spit water in my face.

"You're gross," I say crinkling my nose with a small smile. Zuko kissed my cheek.

"You're grosser," he said, and splashed water in my face. I haven't seen him in this good of a mood in a long time, and it makes me happy to see that.

We played around in the water for another 10 minutes or so, and then we hopped out and tried making sandcastles. It was difficult, I kept getting sand stuck to myself from being all wet from the ocean. I quickly waterbended the water and sand off of me, making myself completely dry.

"No fair!" Zuko whined. "Sand isn't sticking to you!"

"Sucks to firebend!" I teased, sticking my tongue out at him. I laughed and eventually waterbended the water off of his body.


"Help!" I called. No answer. It sucked, because I barely see anything. My whole body was touching the ground, but since I was covered in clothes, it made the vibrations fuzzy and faint.

I pulled and pulled, trying to escape from the knives. My hands were squished underneath my stomach, so I didn't have much position or room to bend. Mai pinned me in such a way that I could barely bend.

Mai was going to find Katara and hurt her, I'm positive. After the whole knife "accident" back at the Fire Nation palace, she's sure to hurt Katara in order to win Zuko back.

All I could do was call for help.


After hanging around on the beach for about a half hour with Momo and Aang, I decided to check on how the others were doing.

I noticed Katara and Zuko splashing around in the water, so they're doing okay. I began walking back to the cave, ditching Aang and Momo. They don't mind, probably.

Man, I sure haven't seen the Southern Water Tribe for a while. I really missed Gran Gran. After we find Zuko and Azula's mom, I'd like to make a trip back to the Water Tribe. My dad and the other men will be back there too.

Once I reached the cave, it was empty. I knew Appa was browsing the woods, looking for some fruit or something. Ty Lee and Azula I saw earlier walking into the village.

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