ten || broken hearts

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"Hey Katara," Toph whispered, shaking me awake. I rubbed my eyes, and sat up. My friend gave me a small smile. "We've gotta get going in a few minutes."

"What for?" I ask her, looking in the mirror that was next to my bed. My cheeks were tear-stained, and my eyes were red and puffy. My hair was sticking up in all sorts of places, so I quickly pulled out my blue comb and brushed out most of the tangles. I really needed a shower as well.

"Zuko is going on a journey to find Azula, and then find out where his mother is. Ozai thinks that Zuko's mother is still alive, and we'll need to take Azula with us on the journey, and she's very powerful. Zuko needs all of the help he can get," Toph explained, picking at her chewed fingernails.

I nodded. "I'll be out there in a few minutes."

Toph gives me a quick nod and leaves my room, shutting the door behind her. Since the Boiling Rock was in the Fire Nation still, I decided to wear my Fire Nation outfit so I didn't stick out too much. It didn't matter anymore if I stuck out, since the war is over, but I'd prefer to stick to red and gold.

I quickly pulled my some of my hair into a small Fire Nation bun and pulled a gold band around it to keep it secure. The rest of my hair I just left down. I tried to forget about everything that happened last night, and tried to forget about Suki. I packed up my things for the second time within four days, and left my room for the last time in a long time.

I met up with everyone else outside. Sokka was silent and emotionless, and refused to have a decent conversation with anyone. No one dared to mention Suki's name. I took note that Mai wasn't coming with us, she just stood beside Appa with her arms crossed.

"Aang?" I asked, and the Air Nomad turned to face me.


"Uhm... is Mai coming with us?" I asked, gesturing towards the sighing teenager. He just shrugged.

"I don't think so. Go ask Ty Lee maybe?" he suggested, and I nodded, thanking him. Aang gave me a small smile and helped Toph get on Appa.

I looked around for Ty Lee, and noticed she was trying to get Sokka's attention by walking on her hands. I rolled my eyes. "Ty Lee, just let my brother be. He's depressed."

She hopped off of her hands, and caught her bags in mid air. "Oh yeah! Whoopsies!" she giggled. I huffed. Ty Lee was wearing her dumb ponytail that was braided, and a golden cropped top with long sleeves, and some red and gold pants that hugged her ankles. She wasn't wearing shoes.

"Do you know why Mai isn't coming?" I asked the preppy girl, changing the subject.

"She wants to stay at the Fire Capital for now. She said that she might meet up with us later, though," Ty Lee smiled, and I sighed.

"Okay, thanks," I tell her, and she walks away, hopping up on Appa, right next to Sokka.

Zuko was already on Appa, shooting glares at Mai. It made me quite happy that he was doing so, but I was still sort of mad at him. I quickly ran down by the lake and filled my water sack that was around my shoulder, and closed the lid. My bag was slung on my other shoulder, and my arm was holding my blue fur-lined sleeping bag. I climbed on Appa.

"Is everyone ready?" Aang asked, and he received some nods. He attempted a smile. "Yip yip, Appa!"

As we flew through the air, Ty Lee waved to Mai, who was becoming farther and farther away from us. I squinted down at her, and I could tell that she sent me a glare. I just smirked, and stuck my tongue out at her, and turned away from her.

Yeah, sure, that was probably real immature of me, but it was worth it. I needed to start to feel better, and forget about Suki. She needed to stay away from us, it would've only made the tension worse.

I glanced over at my brother, who was staring up at the clouds. Ty Lee sat next to him, trying to get his attention, but failing. Toph was gnawing on a piece of sabertooth moose jerky, and Zuko was staring at me.

I tried not to look at him at all, and I wasn't quite sure why he even was staring at me. But for right now, I needed to forget about him. I can't handle his hatred towards me.


I don't know what to think anymore.

I really, really loved Suki. I've never loved anyone so much in my life, and she just suddenly left me.

My girlfriend cheated on me with an earth bender, and then left without saying goodbye to me. It's terrible, and I'm just so heartbroken.

Yeah, sure, I loved Yue. And I still have a soft spot for her in my heart, and the only way to talk to her anymore is talking to the moon. But it's not like we'll ever get back together. Suki was my dream girl, a true warrior. And a non-bender, like me. She taught me many things in life, and she was so beautiful.

And then she ripped my heart out and stomped it, and left me. Everything just hurts right now. I don't think anyone will ever love me anymore. I only have my friends, and no chance with any other girl in my life.

I just wished I knew what I did to Suki to make her leave me.

Ty Lee was horribly annoying. I couldn't stand that girl, and I wish she didn't come with. But nooo. She just had to, to comfort me. No. No one can comfort me. I'm just afraid that I'll never get over Suki.

"Hey Sokka." Someone else was talking to me, besides Ty Lee. I've been staring up at the clouds for so long that I didn't realize it was already night time, and I went a full day without eating. I shut everyone out, until now.

I sat up, to find that everyone was sleeping, besides Toph and Aang. Aang was way up in the front of Appa, on his neck. I doubt he could even hear us. I looked at Toph, who was talking to me. She looked... different. Her hair wasn't in that tie that looked like a bun, it was over her shoulders. Toph's hair was still in her face, and her milky eyes were staring right at me.

"Hi Toph," I say with a sigh. Her face looked hurt.

"I didn't realize you were so disappointed to talk to me," she huffed, and crossed her arms. She turned away from me, and I felt horrible.

"No, no. I want to talk to you. Sorry," I tell her, and Toph turns around, her cheeks a light shade of pink.

"I'm sorry about Suki," she whispered. She shivered from the cold winds that were blowing. Flying in the sky at night could be pretty cold. I quickly stole the blanket that Ty Lee was currently using and handed it to Toph. She smiled and wrapped it around herself.


"It's okay. It's not your fault," I sigh glumly.

"I hate seeing you this way," she tells me, looking straight at me. I knew that she couldn't see me with her eyes, but it was still kind of weird to find someone staring at you. I give her a small smile, even though she probably couldn't notice. "I really care about you, Sokka."

Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, and I scratched the back of my neck. "I care about you too, Toph," I tell her, and yawn. "Thanks."


Sokka curls up and soon enough, he's snoring. I sigh, tears forming in my eyes. Sokka doesn't care about me the same way that I care about him. I really like Sokka, and I hate Suki for breaking his heart.

But he's hurt right now, and he misses Suki a lot. I just need to face the truth.

Sokka won't ever love me. Because why would someone like a blind girl?

Thoughts of Sokka ruled my mind until I fell asleep next to him.


Sorry that it's kind of boring, but the next chapter involves Azula and will be pretty Zutara-y. This fanfic may turn out to have some more Tokka in it as well... who knows... :)

Vote and comment, thanksss -melea

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