three || the perfect property

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I woke up from my short nap to the feeling of Appa going down. We must finally be here! I looked in the west, and sure enough, the sun was beginning to set. It must be around 8:00 now. Sokka yawned across from me as Suki nudged him to wake up.

I looked over to side of Appa to see the Fire Kingdom. It feels like just yesterday we were here on the day of the eclipse, going inside with a team of benders and warriors to fight for peace. But that wasn't our day.

They had everything planned to hide underground, and Azula ended up stalling Aang, Sokka, and Toph. That was the day that Zuko turned good, once and for all.

There were s few fireworks going off in the air, a sign of celebration from the end of the war. Peace.

Appa finally landed on our new property, our new home. I slid down his soft fur and onto the ground. I helped Toph get down and unpacked.

"Katara!" Aang called from behind me. I turned to face him, and he blushed.

"Yeah?" I asked, annoyance laced in my tone. I just wanted to have first pick on which bedroom to be mine, I shouldn't have taken it out on Aang. Whoops.

"Uh... sorry to bother you... but do you think sometime we could--"

"I GET FIRST PICK!" Sokka hollered, and limped as fast as he could inside of the home. I gave Aang an apologetic look and ran off chasing my brother. I want the biggest bedroom!

I hauled my sack and sleeping bag behind me as I ran past Sokka. "No fair!" he whined. "I'm handicapped!"

I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him. "Sucks to be you!" I nagged and ran from room to room in the house, each bedroom seemed to be bigger than the last!

Sokka was cursing behind me, and I heard Suki sigh. I finally found the biggest room which was at the end of the hallway. There was already a bed in here! Even better, I had my own wash room, with a tub, sink, AND toilet bucket!

Sucks for Sokka.

The walls in the room were blue, which is my favorite color. I looked out my small window and saw the stars shining in the sky.

When I finished unpacking, I went to find some food. Toph was already standing in the kitchen.

"Hey Suagr Queen," she grinned, and bit into an apple, chewing with her mouth open. I crinkled my noise up at her piggish appetite, and looked in a brown sack on the counter.

"Hey Toph. Do you know where there's anymore food...?" I asked, sighing when I realized the brown sack that once held food was empty. Momo suddenly flew in, chattering, and landed on Toph.

She simply bended a small rock and threatened to hit Momo with it, and he immediately fled the room. I giggled and shook my head.

"Nah, this was the last apple. Go ask Aang if he bought anything else from the market," she yawned, and left the area. I shrugged and followed her out.


"Aang? Aang?" I called down the hallway. Sokka peeked his head out from his bedroom down the hall.

He held a finger up to his mouth. "Shhh! We're trying to sleep, Katara!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to find Aang!"

"Hmmm.. really?! I couldn't tell."

I huffed. "Did you come out here to shush me or are you gonna help me?" Sokka started walking to where I was, and then brushed past me.

"Actually, I came out to shush you and look for food. I'm starving!" he exclaimed, and hobbled into the dining area. I smirked.

"There's no food, Sokka. That's why I'm trying to find Aang."

My doofus brother began to tear up. "Are-- are we going to starve, Tara?"

I just punched his shoulder, and he groaned. "No stupid! I'm going to find Aang. You'll live," I laughed, and walked outside.


"Appa, do you think Katara is into me?" I sigh, leaning on my fluffly best friend. He roars, and I sigh once again. "You're right, buddy. She totally isn't."

I curled up in Appa's tail and stared up at the stars. There weren't anymore fireworks, but it's probably past midnight now. I'm excited to visit Zuko and the rest of the Fire Kingdom citizens tomorrow.

Even though we just saw them the other day after the war ended.


"Aang?" I heard a sweet voice. Katara. My face flushed as I sat up and looked around for her.

"Katara?" I ask, waiting for a response.

"Where've you been, I've been worried!" she gasped. I laughed a little, and then stared at my feet. She trudged over by me and I felt my cheeks getting red.

"I was practicing my bending out back earlier. Then me and Appa decided to take a walk. Why, is anything wrong?"

"No, not really. We just ran out of food, and Sokka's about to cry," the waterbender giggled, and I laughed along with her.

"I can go to the Kingdom quick and find some food maybe?" I stated more like a question. She just shook her head.

"Don't worry about it, we'll get food tomorrow. We can leave after sunrise for the Fire Kingdom."

I just nodded and watched her walk back down the path, leaving me. I stood up and walked over to the stream on the other side of Appa, and did some bending to get my mind off things. To get my mind off Katara.

I really like her, a lot. But no one understands. Toph thinks I'm a loser, Sokka is too busy with Suki, and Suki probably knows that Katara doesn't like me.

But... if Katara doesn't like me... then... who does she like?


Shorter chapter, sorry. And it was boring, too. But I promise the next chapter will be better. I swear. :)

Enjoy!! -melea

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