eleven || the boiling rock pt. I

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"Wake up! We're here!" Aang shouted, and I soon felt Appa swooping down in the air. We were beginning to land. I couldn't wait until we reached the ground, I hate flying on Appa constantly. I can barely see anything on him, all of the vibrations are so faint and light. It makes me nauseous.

Appa landed on what felt like a volcano with a large plop, and I quickly jumped off. For the few seconds I was in the air, I was completely blind. I couldn't see a thing, and I was happy when the earth greeted my feet. I made a quick rock angel and stood up.

This place was amazing! I felt the inside hollowed out from lava, only hot, boiling water. I felt the prisons in the middle of the boiling lake and I even felt the prisoners groaning. My feet are just that great.

I heard Sokka groan beside me miserably. I felt terrible for him, and I was so happy that he wanted to talk to me for a few minutes last night. But I just let him be, not wanting him to think I'm annoying.

"Toph, could you help me down these stairs?" Sokka asked, his voice less depressed than yesterday. I grinned.

"Sure Snoozles," I say casually, calling Sokka by the nickname I gave him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders for support, and my heart was pounding faster and faster. I felt my cheeks burn, and I was hoping he didn't notice me blushing.

I help Sokka down a few steps and onto the gondala, following Katara's footsteps. Sokka let go of me, and held onto the rail of the gondala. I was sad that he wasn't hanging onto me anymore, but quickly forgot about it. I was too focused on seeing Azula again.


"Are you nervous?" Aang asked me, worry in his tone. I just shrugged, staring down at the steaming water. It was bubbling, and all I could remember from this place was almost falling into that water. From my sister.

Sokka, Suki, Hakota, me, Mai's uncle, and some other guy were all on a gondala, holding Mai's uncle captive so they wouldn't cut the lines. Then the dumb warden was able to break free, and shouted to cut the line. Azula and Ty Lee ditched us and Mai saved our lives from plunging into the boiling water.

I was glad that it's all in the past now, but Aang was right. I was nervous to see Azula. We have such a terrible relationship. Sokka and Katara's relationship with each other is perfect, they love each other and really care about one another. My sister wanted me dead, and celebrated it when I almost died the few times from her.

I bet she still wants me dead, too.

I felt a hand set on my shoulder, it was light. I turned around, expecting Katara, but it was only Ty Lee. I sighed when I saw her face.

"I'm nervous too," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "Azula never tried to kill you! Azula almost killed me several times, and I have the scar to prove it!" I yelled, pulling down part of my robes to reveal my chest, and the dark pink scar in the middle of it. Ty Lee gasped, and only sighed.

"She tried killing my friend, and that was enough for me to lose it," Ty Lee whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop talking to me," I said, and pulled away from her. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her. She always acts like her life was so terrible and tragic, but it really wasn't, compared to how mine used to be. And what really bugs me, is that she knows that. I told her the truth on Ember Island a month ago, with Mai and Azula, and Ty Lee knew that her life wasn't that bad. She just pisses me off.

"Zuko, just leave Ty Lee alone."

I turned around. "Katara?"

She had her arms crossed, and a big frown on her face. "I may not be the best of friends with her, but you don't need to yell at her for not reason. Just let her be."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Katara."

She huffs. "What is wrong with you? You don't care about anyone or how anyone else feels! You broke my heart when you said you loved Mai, and not me! You broke my heart when you ditched me in the library! You're just like Mai, Zuko!" she yelled, and everyone else on the gondala was absolutely silent.

"I am NOT like Mai!"

"All you've been doing lately is sighing and totally ignoring people! That's exactly like Mai!"

"She's got a point, Sparky," Toph cuts in. "You're kind of acting like Mai. But seriously you two, just shut up already. You're giving everyone else a headache. We're about to go see the crazy ex-princess, and you're fighting like an old married couple. Just shut your traps."

Katara and I were both silent, giving each other glares. Neither of us dared to speak. Toph smirked, and leaned against the rail.

"That's how I like it," she grinned.

I huffed, angry that I was defeated by a 13-year old blind girl, and was actually afraid of her. Although we weren't standing on earth, this gondala was made up of metal, which Toph knew how to bend.

"We're here," Aang stated, grabbing his glider that was leaned against the rail. The gondala stopped, and we all hopped off of it. The prison warden greeted my friends and I with a bow, and lead us to Azula's prison cell.

"Has she been behaving?" I asked the warden. His name was Tuyin, and was the replacement for Mai's uncle, the old warden of the Boiling Rock.

Tuyin shrugged. "She's been fine, doing what she was told, and hasn't firebended at all. It's surprising, really. It's like she's given up."

That last sentence clung to me, and continued echoing in my mind.

It's like she's given up.

Sokka was walking beside me, his crutches at his side. Within the next week, he'll be able to walk without them, and just sort of limp around. He seemed emotionless, not caring about anything. I hope he gets over Suki soon, and goes back to normal. I hate seeing my friend this way.

I glanced back at Katara, who was juggling water between her hands. She looked bored, and a little hurt. I wish I never lied to her about Mai.

Aang didn't show any emotion on his face, but he seemed in awe as he looked around the prison. There were guards everywhere, in the same uniform that Sokka and I wore to break in.

Toph was just staring ahead of her, even though she couldn't see. She was playing around with her space rock bracelet that apparently Sokka had given to her as a given. She seemed to really admire it.

Ty Lee had a small half smile on her face, walking beside Toph on her hands. Of course, she's such a show off. I couldn't stand that girl sometimes, couldn't she just walk normally?

"Here's her cell. I'll have a guard outside if you need anything," Tuyin smiled, and opened the cell door. I took a deep breath, and stepped inside. I brought up a flame with my hands, and my sister sat in the corner on the ground. She was wearing the brown prisoner uniform, and had her hands buried in her knees. Her hair was sitcking up in every place.

I motioned for the others to step inside.

"Azula?" I asked, and she looked up at me. Her eyes were pleading, and her mouth quivered. I've never seen her this way before.

"What do you want, Zuzu?" she spit. Her voice wasn't venomous, like usual. It was plain, monotone. Like Mai.

"I want you to help me find Mom."


Hopefully this chapter is a little longer than the last, sorry for taking so long to update. I'm hoping to make this book like 40-50 chapters, maybe less. Not sure yet, but this is still definately a Zutara fanfic. Just be patient please. :)


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