twelve || the boiling part pt. II

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I wasn't too surprised that my brother came to see me.

I knew that he wanted information about Mom, and I really needed to talk to him. I know that this sounds a bit unusual, especially coming from me, but I really feel bad. I feel guilty for all of the times that I've tried killing him, betrayed him, and not being there for him. It's obvious that he's had a much rougher life than me, and I'm a terrible sister for making it even worse. His own father didn't love him, and wanted him to die. My father thought I was amazing, and I was born lucky. Ozai said that Zuko was lucky to be born.

Although I probably have been much more terrible to Zuko than Ozai has, I still want forgiveness. I want my life to be normal, and I don't want to be a prisoner here any longer. Yeah, maybe I did want to become Firelord as soon as possible. But Zuko's Firelord, and that's not going to change anytime soon. If I don't shape up, I'll never be Firelord, even when he's dead.

"Well I'm glad you came here Zuzu, I really am," I sniffle, standing up from where I was. The Avatar and some of his friends got in fighting position, waiting for me to strike. But Zuko didn't move a muscle.

"I highly doubt that. You're going to help me find my mother, Azula," he demanded, stepping forwards towards the bars separating us.

"She was my mother too, you know," I add with a yawn. Stop it Azula. If you want to regain his trust, you can't act sly like that. You mustn't be nimble, or evil anymore. You need to be peaceful.

My brother huffed, steam coming from his nostrils. "As if you ever cared about Mom."

My heart pounded hard. I saw Ty Lee standing behind the male Water Tribe peasant-- no, his name is Sokka-- and she had a frown on her face. I was furious with Ty Lee and Mai, those two were my best friends since we were children, and I gave them whatever they needed when they came to me to team up against the Avatar. Then they betrayed me here, right near the gondala enterance.

"I did care about Mom, Zuzu. Just not as much as you ever did, is all. She thought I was a monster, and she loved you much more than I. I'm over it. I'll help you, Zuzu."

"Stop calling me that!" he hollered, and I actually flinched. I suppose it could be from that I've never been yelled at before, and actually... cared. Agni, I was such a terrible person. I'm trying so hard to be good.

"Sorry," I whisper, and curl back up in my corner. He huffed, and shooed his friends out of the cell. The word sorry tasted different rolling off of my tongue; I've never said it and meant it. I could tell that Zuko knew something was off about me.

"What are you trying to plan?! Are you still trying to capture the Avatar and kill me?" Zuko yelled, throwing his arms in the air. I brush some hair out of my eyes.

"No. I'm not planning anything," I admit, and Zuko thinks for a moment.

"Very well. You're coming with to help me. But if you get even the slightest idea of hurting Aang, Katara, or any of my other friends, we will all act on you. I swear it, and we will not hold back from actually killing you this time. So watch it, Azula," my brother spits, and the words actually hurt. I ignore the pain as best as I can, and he lets me out from the bars, and leads me out of the cell.


I'm still not comfortable with the fact that Azula will be coming along with us on a journey. She's one of the most evil girls I've ever met, and I'm positive that I'll never forgive her for the damage that she's done to me and my friends.

Azula shot lightning at Aang while he was in the Avatar State in Ba Sing Se, and he died. If it wasn't for my spirit water that I got from the North Pole, Aang would still be dead, and we would've lost the war. The Avatar would never be reborn.

She also shot Zuko with lightning. Well, actually, she tried killing me with lightning, trying to distract Zuko from redirecting it. But instead, Zuko jumped in front of me and saved my life. I chained Azula and healed Zuko luckily.

Azula has done many other rotten things, but I'm glad that it's all over, for now. Who knew that she'd be travelling with the gang at this very moment?

Azula trailed along behind her brother, with Aang following her. I walked next to Toph, and Ty Lee helped Sokka walk behind us. I'm just hoping that this journey of Zuko's won't turn out to be our biggest regret.


Azula remained silent for the whole walk back to the gondala. I waved goodbye to Tuyin, and he gave me a bow and a smile. It was nice to have people greet you and smile at you now. During the war, everyone seemed to hate me. But since I was crowned Firelord, I'm loved again.

I opened the door of the gondala and held it open for everyone to file inside. I tried talking to Katara, but she immediately shut me out, and began a conversation with Aang instead. Azula tried to apologize to Ty Lee, and I could tell that it was hard for Ty Lee to ignore her and not forgive her.

Toph was sitting in the corner, silent, playing with her space rock. Sokka was staring down at the lake below, sighing. I felt bad for him, we all knew that he was still heart broken over Suki. I was heart broken over Katara, after all. I really liked her.


Eventually, Ty Lee gave in a forgave me. I knew she'd be the first to forgive me, after all, we were friends since we were children. I was glad that I have at least one friend from 'Team Avatar.' I knew that Zuko wouldn't even come close to forgiving me, so I won't try him next. That Water Tribe girl has been shooting me death glares since the beginning, so I won't bother with her either.

The earth bending blind girl seemed innocent, but I knew that she was a lot tougher than she looked. I knew that she could metal bend somehow, I saw her folding metal in the prison. I didn't think that was even possible, but she's definately proved me wrong there. She must be real clever, and I remember running into her on the eclipse. She wasn't too happy with me then, so maybe I'll try aplogizing to her later.

The Avatar-- I mean Aang-- would probably try and avoid me as much as possible, he seems real close to the Water Tribe girl. Although he was an Air Nomad, and they're all about forgiveness, it'll take him some time anyways to forgive me. I'll just wait until we're alone together, I'm a little terrified of the Water Tribe girl, whom he's talking to.

The last person on the gondala was the Water Tribe boy, I think his name is Sokka. I remember all of the times I've ran into him and tried killing him and his friends. I'm pretty sure he's the one who's dating that Kyoshi Warrior leader, Suki? Yeah, that's her name. Me, Mai, and Ty Lee were the ones who destroyed her warriors, and captured them and imprisoned them. I'm not sure where Suki was now, maybe back with the sky bison.

Maybe I'll try talking to Sokka, hopefully Ty Lee won't get too jealous.

"Sokka?" I ask, stepping towards him. He shoots a glare towards me, and takes a step away from me.

"What do you want?" he spits, and I sigh.

"I just wanted to apologize. I'm sure the Water Tribe girl would try killing me if I apologized to her, and the Avatar would shoot me down as well. My brother is out of the question, and the blind one is terrifying," I explain, holding my arms behind my back. I lean against the rail, and Sokka's relaxes.

"They have names, you know," he growls. My eyes widen.

"Oh, sorry," I shrug, and he rolls his blue eyes.

"My sister, is named Katara. The Avatar is Aang, and the blind girl is Toph. Learn it," Sokka spits, and turns away from me. He limps towards the other end of the gondala, and I knew that he'd ignore me from now on.

Apologizing is harder than I thought.


I almost have 1K reads on this book already!!!!!! Tysm!!!!!


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