eighteen || thoughts and feelings

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{A/N: this will be a short chapter, due to me typing it up on my phone. sorry!}


"Finally! You two are back! We can at last get to safety," Aang said in relief. I shrug.

"Azula met an old... friend along the way," I smirk, and Azula's cheeks flush. Zuko raises an eyebrow.

"Who? Was is Lo and Li? Those old bags come here a lot, I'm sure," Zuko asked, walking up to Azula and I. She shakes her head no.

"No, it was Chan and Ruon-Jon. I'm sure you remember Ruon-Jon," Azula giggles, and Zuko frowns. Azula walks into the cave, next to Ty Lee, and they begin chatting.

Zuko leads me into the cave so Toph and Aang could earthbend the door shut. "What was your problem with Ruon-Jon? Lemme guess, he flirted with Mai," I chuckle, and he glares at me.

"Yeah, he actually did. How'd you guess?" he asks, slightly demanding. I sigh.

"He flirted with me too. But it's okay, I told him off. Don't worry about it," I quickly say, quietly so the others wouldn't hear. Zuko sighs.

"Ruon-Jon is such a manwhore," he grunts, and I laugh.

"That's true," I giggle, and Sokka hobbles over to us.

"What are you two laughing about?" he asks suspiciously, eyeing us with a small glare.

"I was laughing at Zuko's dumb outfit!" I lie. "Look how girly his robe is!"

Zuko blushes, and Sokka chuckles along with me. "You're right, Tara! It IS girly! You crack me up, Sis!" he says, slapping me on the back. I waterbend water from my pouch, splashing him, making him hobble away from Zuko and I.

"Is my robe really that girly?" he asked, embarrassed. I rolled my eyes.

"No! You look cute, don't worry," I assure him, and sneak him a quick peck on the cheek. I walk away from Zuko, and go set up my bed. I wave to Azula, noticing Sokka and Aang giving me a weird look, but I ignore them.

They should consider forgiving her. Everyone deserves another chance.


Katara is perfect.

Her laugh is beautiful, like a melody in my ears. Her eyes are like the ocean waves crashing on the shores of Ember Island. Her hair is softer than a mouse rabbit's fur.

I know I sound cheesy, but it's so true. I'm just lucky she likes a scar face dude with a crazy temper like me. And honestly, I'm so happy she doesn't like Aang. He's the Avatar, he can get any girl.

I hope he doesn't like Katara. I glance over at Katara, who was talking to Aang. He was showing her a new firebending trick to her, a trick that I taught him. Jealousy surged through my veins, but I held it in. Katara doesn't like Aang. That's all that matters to me.


I think I love Katara.

I've had a crush on her since I first laid eyes on her when she held me on that iceberg. Of course, Sokka ruined the moment and kept poking me with the butt of his spear.

That was back when Sokka got paranoid. I glanced over at the non-bending warrior, and he was screaming at Ty Lee for taking the last piece of meat.

Nevermind, he's still easily paranoid.

But as I was talking to Katara a few minutes ago, all I could think of was kissing her soft lips. I've kissed her twice before, at the Cave of Two Lovers and at the invasion. Well, actually I kissed her here too, when we went to see the play about us. But she pulled away and left me, saying she was confused.

But I've seen the way she's looked at Zuko. And I have a feeling she likes him.

I'm not sure if he liked her back. Sure, they kissed last week at the Fire Palace, but then he totally ditched her and went back to dating Mai, I think.

I'm sure he still likes Mai, and I want Katara to like me before she falls in love with Zuko and gets her heart broken.

I've never liked another girl as much as I like Katara. Well... not exactly.

I DID like one other girl. Her name is Ahngee. She was my only friend when I went to Fire Nation school, but then her boyfriend tried beating me up. Then I danced with her at a dance party that Sokka, Katara, Toph and I hosted. I felt infinite.

But then, later on that night I danced with Katara. And I felt infinite all over again. That was the last time I saw Ahngee.

I need to build up my courage though, because tonight, I'm going to do it.

I'm going to tell Katara how much I love her.


"It sure is raining out there," I say, waterbending the water that started leaking into the cave. I bended it out of the cave as best as I could, but there sure was a lot of it.

"Yeah, but according to this weather dial the mechanists gave me at the invasion, the storm should only be lasting 30 more minutes. That's not bad," Sokka explains. He was looking through all of his maps and scrolls, most of them were from when he stole them at the library.

Toph was sitting next to him, pretending to read just to make Sokka mad. Zuko was searching for more firewood in the cave, although I'm sure there isn't much. Azula was firebending, keeping the fire going. Ty Lee was playing with Momo, and Aang was lying on Appa, thinking I'm assuming.

Suddenly, someone was pounding at the door of the cave. I called for Toph to come over and earthbend the door out of the way.

Toph ran over to where I was standing, and she grinned.

"She's here!" she exclaimed, and earthbended the door down. There stood the girl Toph was talking about, and a frown appeared on my face, while there was a smirk on hers.



Sorry it's a short chapter, again, I'm typing on my phone.

Slight zutara, slight tokka, and even slight kataang. a little bit of sokeat ( Sokka x meat )

Hope you liked!


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