thirteen || on fire

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It's been a full day and Azula hasn't tried apologizing to me once.

She's already said sorry to Ty Lee, who of course stupidly forgave her, and tried saying sorry to Sokka and Aang. I knew that she wouldn't say sorry to Zuko just yet, he might be the hardest to try. But I vow that I'll never forgive Azula for what she's done. She's such a terrible girl, and she's the same age as me. She's just empty inside, no feelings at all. Azula almost killed me on the day of the battle. I would've died for sure too, if it wasn't for Zuko.

Azula deserves to be hated.

Right now, we're still on Appa. We've been riding since we stopped at the Boiling Rock. I was stuck sitting next to Zuko again, the the tension was madness. One second I want to kiss him, and the next I want to push him off the bison. Toph is pretty lazy, and just messing around with her space rock like usual.

Ty Lee and Azula were talking to each other quietly, almost like a whisper. I sat pretty far away from them, so I couldn't make out anything that they were saying. Aang was sitting on Appa's neck like he normally does, and Momo was soaring in the sky right next to us. Sokka was sleeping next to Toph, still very depressed.

I was bored out of my mind.

"Aang?" I asked loudly, making sure he heard me. He turned around towards me blankly.


"Can we please stop for the night? I'm kind of sick of flying, and I'm sure Appa's tired too," I suggest, and Aang shrugs.

"Sure, I guess."

Appa begins to fly downwards, toward the ground. Aang seemed pretty distant from me lately, and I wasn't quite sure why. The only reason why I wanted to land was to get away from Zuko. He's tried apologizing to me at least three times today, and I shut him out each time, no matter how hard it was.

Once Appa landed, I was sent to go look for firewood. Aang and Sokka set up tents, and Toph tried fishing in the river with her earth bending. I'm sure Azula and Ty Lee were back at camp laying around, not contributing to help at all. I wasn't sure what Zuko was doing, but it's not like I cared.

Well, probably.

I really missed talking to him. He's so hot and caring, and I can't believe he's still trying to apologize to me. I figured he would've just let me alone and went off and made out with Ty Lee or something. But it seems like he actually cares about me.

Honestly, Zuko is the best kiss I've ever had. It was like Aang's-- Aang's kiss felt different and weird. He's like a brother to me, not a boyfriend. I don't like him that way. Jet was a completely different story. He was a monster, and then I actually began to have feelings for him again in Ba Sing Se. But it all changed after he died and I was imprisoned alone with Zuko. That's when I started to like Zuko. And I still do.

Maybe I need to give him another chance.

I picked up another stick, it looked okay to use for the fire. Suddenly, I heard someone behind me, and they cleared their throat.

"Hey Katara," Zuko said awkwardly. My cheeks turns pink, and I slowly turned around.

"Uhm, hey..."

"Look, before you water-chop me into pieces or run away, please just listen to me," he begs. I nod, and set the firewood on the ground and crossed my arms.

"I'm really sorry Katara. I didn't mean to hurt you. I only said that I loved Mai because I didn't want to get in between you and Sokka's relationship. I didn't want to get in between you and Aang. I didn't want to ruin your life. I really care about you Katara. I like you a lot too. I'm not asking you to forgive me right away--"

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