twenty-four || she's back

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It's been a few days since the incident with Mai.

We begun our travelling trip once again after my arm was healed. Thanks to Ty Lee's medicine and my healing bending, it's all better. There isn't even a scar.

Azula has seemed distant lately, and so has Aang. I haven't spoken with Aang since... three days ago. That's a long time, since we're basically all living together.

I wonder what's going on between those too.

"Are we there yet?" Sokka whined. His leg has also been mostly healed. The bone is still fractured, so he has to keep it easy, but the pain is mostly cleared up, since I used more of my healing bending on him as well.

Zuko scoffed. "We're still over a week away from Ba Sing Se! We haven't even entered the Fire Nation Colonies yet!"

My brother frowned and crossed his arms. "Well, at least I don't go behind my friend's back and date their sister!" Sokka spit. I knew that he was still iffy about the whole Zuko-and-me thing, but I was sure he didn't mind too much. He trusts Zuko, and he's one of his best friends.

"Fine, date Azula! It doesn't bother me, because I'm a good friend!" Zuko hollered back. I pulled on his arm.

"Cool it," I whispered in his ear. He scowled.

"You're lucky that you're pretty, Katara, otherwise I'd keep going," he said lightly. I smiled and leaned against his shoulder.

It was almost midnight, judging by the moon. It was almost a full moon, my veins were slightly tingling. It's from being a bloodbender, I guess.

Azula and Ty Lee were asleep on the other side of Appa. Toph was snoring loudly on Sokka's lap, and he didn't seem to mind. Momo was sleeping on the other side of Toph, and Aang was on Appa's neck. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake.

Sokka simply crossed his arms at Zuko's comment, and turned away from us, as if he was pouting. A few minutes later, he was laying down, staring at the moon. He was most likely thinking about Yue. I missed her a lot, and she was so brave to give up her life for the moon spirit.

Zuko nudged me. "What are you thinking about?" he asked me lightly. I shrugged.

"Just... stuff," I say, gazing at the sky. He sighed.

"Me too."

Suddenly, Aang woke up with a frightened tone. "Katara?? I'm so sorry!" he gasped, frightened. I tensed up, and crawled over near Aang. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"What?" I ask gently. "Are you okay?"

Aang rubbed his sleepy eyes. He mumbled something I couldn't understand, and turned back around. "We should stop for the night, and let Appa rest," Aang said with a yawn. Appa began to land and I started to roll my sleeping bag back up.

"Are we landing for the night?" Zuko asked. I nodded.

He began to roll his sleeping bag up as well. Sokka noticed and nudged Toph until she woke up. I woke up Azula and Ty Lee as well.

Appa eventually landed near a small cave. It wasn't nearly as big as the one on Ember Island, but it'll do for shelter if it rains.

We all got ready to go to sleep, and before I knew it, I was asleep in Zuko's arms.


I decided that tonight was going to be the night. I was going to ask Sokka out.

I was insanely nervous- what if he didn't like me back? What if he just wasn't ready? Well, he told me he liked me, and he kissed me. But I don't know. I really hope he says yes. I've never had a boyfriend before, and I've never loved someone as much as I love Sokka. I hope he doesn't think I'm too young.

I'm 13, but I'll be 14 in less than a month. He's 17. And he's out of my league. Well, maybe. I don't know exactly what he looks like, but looks have never mattered to me. As long as they're humorous, caring, and brave, I dig them. Which is exactly why I dig Sokka.

Everyone else has already fallen asleep, except for Sokka and I. We were still on top of Appa's saddle. I was helping him pack, since he's still slightly crippled, and he was helped me pack, since I'm blind. Normally, I wouldn't accept his help, but tonight is different.

"Do you wanna lay on the ground or in the cave?" Sokka asked me.

"Where is everyone else sleeping?" I asked him. I felt him shrug.

"They're all sleeping on the ground, they're about 10 yards away from the cave. I'll sleep near you, or, uh, whatever makes you the most comfortable," he suggested. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I hoped he didn't notice.

"Sure, we'll just sleep on the ground," I said finally. Sokka hopped off of Appa, with a little help of my earthbending. I bended myself down, and then I felt some strange vibrations coming from the cave. It felt like... they were crying. Sokka began talking, but I shushed him. I recognized this person.

I walked over to the cave, with Sokka limping behind me. Once I got close enough, my eyes widened. Sokka jumped with excitement, and ran over to them.

"Suki, I missed you so much!" he said, and kissed her. Tears welled up in my eyes as I just stood there, with my heart shattered to pieces.



I've been so busy with finals and with school ending. But yeah, here's a short filler chapter. I'm leaving for camp in like, a week, and I'll be gone for 10 days. I'll try and update as much as possible before then :3



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