seventeen || forgiveness

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"Uh... how've you... been?" Chan stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. I blushed slightly, hoping him or Katara wouldn't notice.

"Fine. I guess," I said sternly. Katara just stood there silently, but I could tell that she had no idea what was going on.

"Who's your friend?" he asked. I sighed.

"Katara, this is Chan. Chan, this is Katara," I lamely introduced, and Katara mumbled a 'hi.' Chan was the boy who I kissed at a party that him and his friend Ruon-Jon threw a few months back. Ruon-Jon had a thing for Mai, and of course, Chan had a thing for me. After I kissed Chan, he freaked out because of my blue-firebending and ditched me. Later on, Mai, Ty Lee, Zuko and I trashed his house. It was fun.

"Are you here to trash my house again? Because if you are, my dad's an Admiral, and he'll totally kill you," he smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Being and Admiral isn't even important anymore. There is no war. Who cares?" I chuckle, and he rolls his eyes now. Katara shifted from her feet back and forth awkwardly.

"Then why are you even here?" Chan snapped.

"To warn you about the storm coming. I'm here with the Avatar and Firelord and we're warning everyone," I said, crossing my arms. "But it was obviously a mistake warning you."

"There is no storm coming. It's fine. And I doubt you're here with the Avatar and Firelord, Losergirl," he laughed, and I heard Ruon-Jon coming to the door.

"Heyy, it's crazy fire girl," Ruon-Jon laughed. He glanced over at Katara and smirked. "And a friend."

"Look, I have no idea what is going on here, but just all of you, shut up! Leave Azula alone! Her brother is Firelord Zuko, and I'm his girlfriend! Azula is the Princess of the Fire Nation, so stop taunting her! We're here to warn you about the storm, and if you can't believe us, then fine! Suit yourself! C'mon Azula, let's just go," Katara yelled, and stormed down the stairs. Chan and Ruon-Jon just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

"You're Princess Azula?" Chan asked, stunned. I nodded proudly. Man, I sure was glad that I wasn't in my prison uniform anymore. I was wearing a simple Fire Nation outfit that I bought earlier.

"Of course. And my brother, Scarface, is the Firelord. Think twice before you tease someone, huh?" I laughed evilly, and I turned and walked down the stairs. Chan raced after me.

"Wait! Azula!" he called, and I turned around. Katara was already halfway down the street. Chan caught up with me. "Did you... wanna go out sometime? After the storm's over?"

I thought for a moment, although I already knew my answer. "I guess... but I'm bringing Ty Lee, she can hang out with your friend," I said. Chan nodded in agreement.

"Meet us here after the storm's over?" he suggested, and I nodded.

"I'll be there."


Those boys were jerks to Azula.

Yeah, sure, maybe she deserved it. But I still felt kind of bad. She has been trying to apologize to us for the past week and she is trying to be a better person. And I'm just being terrible to her, we all are.

Maybe I should forgive Azula. I won't trust her, that's for sure, but I'll forgive her. She is trying. But if she tries to hurt any of my friends, I will try and end her. I almost ended her in Ba Sing Se in the crystal caves, but then Zuko came and helped Azula and tried killing me.

I heard Azula running to catch up with me. I turned around.

"Did they say anything else to you?" I asked her. She shook her head no.

"No. And thanks, for helping me back there. It means a lot," she said, staring at her feet as we were walking back to the cave. I shrugged.

"It was nothing, they shouldn't have been so mean to you," I said.

"I'm sorry," Azula blurted.


"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so terrible to you, Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Suki. You guys didn't deserve it. But I do deserve revenge, and ignorance. I don't deserve forgiveness and trust. But I just wanted you to know that I'm truly sorry," she explained, and I stopped walking.

"I forgive you," I tell her. She looks up at me, shocked.


I nod with a slight smile. "I gave Zuko a second chance. You deserve one too," I say, and she does something way out of the ordinary. She hugged me. I was surprised at first, but I hugged her back. Who knows the last time she's been hugged by someone (besides Ty Lee) and they actually meant it?

"Thanks," she said, relieved. We kept walking back to the cave. "So... you're dating Zuko?"

My heart stopped. "Er... no, I was just kidding---"

"I won't tell anyone," she said with a small smile.

"Thanks," I tell her, and we walk back to the cave silently.


sorry it's short, but yeah. hope you like. :)


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