twenty-five || truth revealed

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"Guys! Wake up! Wake up! I found Suki!" I heard Sokka's obnoxious voice holler. I was about to ignore it, until I heard him mention Suki. She's been gone for two months, and she went to stay with Haru. I wondered why she was here.

I sat up quickly, and airbended myself to stand. Zuko, Katara, Ty Lee, and Azula all groaned and stood up, wiping their eyes. Sokka had his arm wrapped around Suki's shoulder. She looked like a mess.

Her hair has gotten longer, and was in a messy bun that was sticking out everywhere. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she was crying. Her cheeks were tear-stained, and she was wearing the same outfit that she was wearing when she left us. Suki's belly has gotten bigger, and she didn't have any shoes on. She was also very pale.

Katara was the first to run up to Suki. She carefully wrapped her arms around her friend. "Suki!" she cried. Suki hugged Katara back, tears forming. They pulled away. "What happened? Are you okay? Why are you here? Where's-"

"Give her some space, Tara," Zuko said, putting a hand on Katara's shoulder. Katara sighed, and gave in. Azula stood farther back than the rest of us, probably feeling awkward, since the last time she saw Suki, she was escaping from prison.

Ty Lee came closer, since Suki was her old Kyoshi Warrior Leader. Toph was no where to be found.

Suki took a big breath. "Haru is dead," she blurted, and began crying once again. Sokka comforted her with great care. He really missed her. Sokka straightened up.

"She told me everything. Haru was killed in a battle, and no one knows who killed him. His father and mother were devastated, and offered to take in Suki. She refused, and tried travelling back to the Fire Nation to find us. She's been without food for two days, and is in pain from pregnancy," Sokka explained to us.

"She has to come with us," I said sternly. Suki shook her head.

"I can't," she began, wiping away the last tears. "I left you guys without saying goodbye. It's too hard being here for me, especially since I no longer love Sokka," she said. Sokka cringed, but ignored it. Katara frowned, but didn't say anything.

"You have to stay with us, Suki. We'll help you get better, Ty Lee is really good with medicines. We can't just leave you here. You have to do it for us, do it for the baby," Sokka said. Suki sighed.

"Alright," she agreed, and Sokka grinned. He hugged her once more, and Zuko started a fire. Katara was left alone by her sleeping bag, hugging her knees. I walked over by her.

"Hey," I said. She looked up at me.

"Hi," Katara said. I sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"My brother is in terrible pain, he loves Suki and she doesn't love him back. Toph's in pain, because... well, nevermind. I don't even know where Toph is," she said.

"I love you," I blurted, and covered up my mouth immediately, hoping no one else heard me. She sighed.

"I love you too Aang, you're one of my best friends," she said. Damn. Friendzoned once again.

"No Katara, not like that. I love you. Not like a friend. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, and the world's greatest waterbender. You've been with me since the start, and helped me find my way as the Avatar. I've always had feelings for you, and I really think we should be together." Her eyes widened.

"Aang," she sighed. Uh oh. "I- I- I don't feel the same way," she spoke softly. Katara took my hand to try and comfort my broken heart. "You're a great person, and I like you. I really do. But you have to understand that I'm with Zuko now. He makes me happy, and I love him more than a friend. I love you like a brother Aang."

I turned away from her. "You're right. What was I thinking," I said sarcastically. She frowned.

"Well, did you want me to lie to you?" she demanded. I rolled my eyes.

"You're the one who's all sad about everyone and their broken hearts, and how you feel bad for them. And then BOOM! You break mine!" I spat. She stood up.

"You're the one who shut me out for no reason! Do you have any idea how much that hurts me? You're my best friend Aang, and then you one day shut me out! I don't know what was going on between you and Azula, but I can't take it!" Katara yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I shut you out because I love you Katara! I didn't want you to know! Azula's a combustion bender, that's why we've been talking secretly! She didn't wanna scare you! At least I help people, Katara. All you do is break people's hearts without a care. You're heartless."

She blinked. "I hate you!" she screamed. My heart shattered even more. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I walked away from her, and stuck up my middle finger as I walked away. I grabbed my glider, and flew into the sky. I wasn't coming back.


The second I said those words to Aang, I regretted it.

He flew away on his glider, Momo following behind him, and he disappeared into the night sky. This was all my fault. The truth has been revealed.

I turned around, expecting everyone to be staring at me for my outburst. But they weren't. They were staring at Azula.

"You're... a combustion bender?" Ty Lee stuttered. Azula sighed, and blushed. A glowing red imprint formed on her head of an eye, and then it disappeared.

Zuko crossed his arms with a frown. "I doubt it. Azula has always lied to people. She's already a professional lightning bender, and bends blue fire. I think that's enough mastery for a 15-year old," he said. Azula shook her head.

"Yeah, I may have lied, but I'm not lying about this, Zuzu. It's true, Aang even said it," she spoke quickly. Her brother rolled his eyes.

"Prove it."

She shrugged, and then faced the sky. She took a deep breath, and then thrust her arms down at her side with force. Suddenly, a thin line of a fiery orange shot up into the sky, and blew up. We all stood there with our mouths wide open.

"Holy shit," I said in awe. Zuko nodded in agreement, and Azula crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Told ya," she said.

"Hey, uh, should we be looking for Aang and Toph?" Sokka asked, worry laced in his voice.

"Aang can wait until morning. He needs some time alone. Toph on the other hand, we should look for. We don't know when or why she left," Zuko suggested. I walked up to him.

"I'll search for Toph," I said. "She needs to talk to me, I'm sure. Sokka, you should be coming too. Trust me, she needs your comfort as well."

"I'll come too," Zuko offered, wrapping his arm around my waist. I shook my head.

"You should be staying here sweetie," I said. "I need you to help take care of Suki."

Zuko scowled, and I batted my eyelashes. "Please?" I begged. He sighed.

"Fine." I kissed him on the lips quick and Sokka and I headed off.


another short chapter, whoops. AND HOLY SHIT I GOT OVER 10K READS I'M DYING OMG ILY ALL. i'll update AGAIN today because of that OMG OMG OMG. sorry i haven't updated, i was at camp :3


comment your thoughts ty


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