fourteen || not the right time

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"I can't believe they're making you run around like this," Azula sighed, quickly firebending a branch out of her way. "You're basically royalty. You shouldn't do the dirty work."

I rolled my eyes. She was trying to persuade me. "It's fine, Azula," I laughed casually. "I don't mind. They're my friends. I want to help Katara."

"I thought Katara hated you," she said slyly. I stopped, and faced her with a frown on my face. Azula found a bug on the ground, squashing it underneath her slippers that she was still wearing from prison.

"Katara doesn't hate me. Cut it out," I snap, and Azula blinks, surprised from my sudden outburst. "I'm sick of you trying to persuade me into doing bad things, Azula! I thought you've changed. If you keep it up, you'll have no friends on Team Avatar."

Azula looked hurt, and I immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry--" I stutter.

Azula puts her finger up to my lips, shushing me. "It's fine. Just... I'm sorry too. It's really hard when everyone around you hates you."

"Well... you did try and kill them..."

"It's in the past!" she exclaimed with a slight smile in her tone. I gave her one of my famous bright smiles and we kept walking in the woods. "So what kind of plant are we looking for?"

"Some ginger root and aloe vera. The ginger root we'll make into some tea for her to drink, to try and ease the pain. Maybe some plum blossom, too. The aloe vera we have to mix with a little bit of sage and water and it should do the trick as some lotion," I explained. Azula picked a leaf from a small green plant.

"Is this aloe vera or sage?" she asked, my eyes widened.

"Uhm... no. That's... uhm... wacky grass. Put it down," I laugh, and Azula only shrugs and burns it in her hands. "No! Don't burn it! Agh!"

"What?" she asks, and sniffs the air. She exhales, and smirks a bit. "Nevermind, let's get moving."

I nod in agreement, and we eventually find the healing plants we needed and head back to the campsite. Katara was changed into a different outfit. It was a strapless top that just barely covered her stomach, and a long red and gold skirt that matched. I had to admit, (and I don't say this often,) she looked pretty.

Toph was hiding away in her small rock tent, with the door shut. Sokka was sitting next to Katara, having her drink water. I knew that Katara was still conscious, only resting. I could tell, and I can feel the chis in her body. Azula sort of sat away from the rest of the group. Aang and I got started right away, fixing up the tea and lotion.

"Here, use your firebending to heat up this pot," I ordered, and he nodded and took the small pot from me. It contained water, ginger root, and plum blossom, just like I wished for. That should help her.

I got started on the lotion, getting a full container of water, and adding the aloe vera and sage. Once it was a little more solid, Sokka and I rubbed it on her burns. Katara was burned pretty badly. But by the looks of it, she'll be able to walk okay by tomorrow.

Azula looked up at the half moon. It was in the middle of the sky, striking midnight I assume. "Let's all just get some rest," she suggests, and for once, everyone agreed with her. Sokka even managed a small smile to her.

Sokka curled into his sleeping bag next to Katara, to probably make sure she was okay. I could tell that Sokka wasn't going to get any sleep, Katara getting hurt only made him even more depressed. I would comfort him, but I can tell that he doesn't want my comfort.

Azula and I laid our sleeping bags down a little farther away from the ground. Zuko laid his sleeping bag next to Katara, but not as close to her as Sokka was. Aang slept on Appa with Momo, and Toph was already in her little tent made up of earth. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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