Kakashi's Face

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Kakashi could have laughed at the expression that crossed her features.  Her eyes widened while her pupils dilated, and her mouth literally fell open as she gaped at him. He then smiled and her face turned scarlet. If he needed any confirmation of what he suspected, she more than gave herself away as she stared at him.  Not that he needed any confirmation, her apartment had more than showed him she was totally into him.  He then almost bent over as he felt her nipples tighten against his chest and the smell of her arousal hit him.  His sense of smell was far greater than other men thanks to his mother's bloodline.  He almost threw his own resolve out the window as his libido kicked into overdrive.

"Now why did you go and do that for?" Sarah suddenly burst out in almost a yell, snapping that same libido back under control. "You should give a girl a little warning!"

Kakashi laughed hard at the words. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were still trying to see what was under his mask, but Sarah was offended that he had revealed it without warning her?  More like she was not prepared with a mask of her own to cover her genuine reaction.  A little bit of a devil reared up in him as he looked at her.  After the emotional outpouring, it would do her good to laugh a little and he was feeling like teasing her just a bit.  The moment had been so priceless that he would forever consecrate it into his mind.  She obviously had more than liked what she had seen under that mask.

"Lunch, remember?  I can't eat with my mask on."

Sarah looked down in surprise as he suddenly pushed a plate of food into her hands.  She then looked back up at him, a suspicious expression on her face.  She could not argue with his reasoning, but he could see the wheels in her head turning.  Her face had yet to lose the pink tinge to it.

"Thank you," she finally said before turning away to sit at the table.

Kakashi laughed silently before taking his plate and following her.  He sat across from her and waited to see what she thought of the food.  She was conspicuously keeping her eyes averted from him.  He barely refrained from smirking.  That felt damn good having her almost mesmerized just by looking at his face.  He watched her closely as she took a bite of food, her eyes closed before she smiled very big.

"Oh, my goodness, Kakashi, this is delicious!  I don't normally like fish but this..." She made a groaning noise of approval.  "You can cook me fish anytime."

Sarah looked up at him and was surprised to see his cheeks were faintly pink from the praise.  He was absolutely gorgeous sitting there across from her.  No wonder he wore the mask all the time.  He'd never get a moments peace from every woman that crossed his path if he didn't wear it.  She was trying hard not to stare at him, but it was impossible.  She was memorizing every line in her mind.  She could not believe he had actually revealed his face to her.  As far as she knew, even Naruto and the others had yet to see his true face.  The only people that had seen his face that she knew of was Rin, Teuchi, and Teuchi's daughter.  Now her.

His eyes seemed to be dancing with humor as he plopped a piece of fish into his mouth.  He chewed before casually saying as he motioned to his face with his chopsticks, "So, do you approve?"

Sarah choked on her food, then coughed. Busted!  She felt her face turn very warm.  He grinned before passing her a glass of water.  If ever there was a shit-eating grin, the one he had on his face was that very thing.  He was enjoying throwing her for a loop.  The devil.  She drank the water slowly, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole.  The gleam in his eye was unmistakable.  He was having fun at her expense!  Two could play at that game.

She thumped the glass down on the table and leaned back, giving his face what she hoped was a thorough assessment from his perspective.  "Meh... It's a good-looking face but not so sure it lives up to the mystery."

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