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The day was warm with the sun pouring its rays down on the earth below. Sarah tilted her face into the light for a moment, feeling better than she had in a long time. It helped that she had been completely ravished by her crush. She would hold that memory and feelings tight to her heart always. She knew it would never happen again, but she would cherish that memory.  It had been better than any fantasy she had ever had in her own mind.  Those fantasies had been numerous through the years, but the real deal? No comparison in the least!  Granted, he didn't know what he was doing the first time but that second time... Oh, it was one of those rare moments that could never be repeated in a million years.  In that brief expanse of time, those walls had come down between them.  She smiled slightly, thankful for that pocket in time. 

Kakashi was rather quiet as he walked beside her, his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked very much like the man she had seen so often on the show. He was wearing his headband even and she wondered for a moment why he had not been wearing it yesterday. Perhaps he did not wear it as often as he used to since he didn't need it to cover his left eye anymore.  The only thing he was missing was one of the Make Out Tactics books in his hand.  He appeared deep in thought as they walked down the street together.  Absently she ran her thumb across her lower lip, remembering again the feel of his lips on her own.

The village was a little surprising to her as she looked around.  There were a few modern sights, such as electrical poles and telephone lines.  A few convenient stores and the like, yet by and far it was almost like stepping back in time.  Children were running freely in the streets, unfettered like the ones in her world.  They were actually playing like children had once done long ago, kicking balls around.  Earlier she had noted a number in the fields and open spaces, picking flowers or having mock battles.  Technology had ruined her world.  Everyone looked rather healthy and slim as well.  She couldn't help but be a little insecure at that, knowing she was quite a bit pudgy than most of the people she was seeing.  Only a few, who appeared very rich, had a little extra pounds on them.  Most of the women, though... damn, I must look like the Michelin man next to them.  They passed an open market, and she looked wide eyed at all the various vegetables and fresh cut meat mixed in with every kind of wares imaginable.  Clothes. Jewelry.  Whatever you were looking for was spread about, side by side with one another.  How did she miss this on the show?  She had been so focused on the story; she had not even thought about looking at the backdrop. The village was alive with activity and Sarah felt like a tourist as she took it all in. She loved every sight and sound. It took a considerable amount of strength for her to not reach out and touch everything.  There was something peaceful about the simplicity that had once been a part of her world, long before she had come into it. 

Kakashi finally had the answer to the question he had wondered about since he had first seen her.  Her hair was the color of a golden fire.  The brown was still there, threaded into the mix, but the reds and blondes were so predominant that they blended together like a golden flame.  It was quite striking and not like anyone else's hair that he had seen in times past.  They were either predominantly blonde or red.  Her hair was both and the way it burned in the sunlight was almost mesmerizing.  She kept absently rubbing her lower lip with her thumb and his eyes were drawn to it.  He wondered if she was thinking about the brief interlude of earlier.  God knows he was... He was still shaken by how far things had gone.  Another minute and he would have broken his celibacy, no doubt about it. 

"Kakashi! My eternal rival, where are you going on this youthful day?!"

Sarah almost thought Kakashi groaned at the voice as she turned towards the man approaching them quickly. Might Guy looked so much like he did on the anime that she almost started laughing, right down to the big smile that almost looked like it could gleam!  He actually looked a lot like the actor and martial artist, Bruce Lee, had looked like in life.  His face and movements were just as animated as his anime counterpart as he got close.

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