Damn Those Eyes

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Sarah was still in something of a daze as she walked into her office after getting cleaned up and ready for the day.  She absently began processing the new paperwork that was stacked in her inbox, every so often fiddling with the scarf she had tied around her neck.  She hated wearing a scarf, but thankfully the weather was considerably cooler than it had been.  It wasn't like she had a choice, good Lord, her neck looked like a piranha got ahold of it. She still smiled, despite the inconvenience of hiding his mark.  Her mind kept going back to the night before, which in turn, kept her face hot.  It seemed like a dream, but she could not deny that it happened.  Her body could definitely attest that she was with Kakashi through the night.  At best, she might have gotten four hours of sleep.  She suspected much less because once that door had been opened, he had been insatiable.  She actually was not sure how many times they had done it through the night or how many different positions.  He had gorged himself and she had loved every minute of it.  He had been just as intense in the bed as he had ever been in battle.

"Sarah... promise me something..." Kakashi had said before she had finally started drifting off to sleep after they had taken a shower to clean off the evidence of their lovemaking.  "Let's keep this a secret for now.  I will never forgive myself if something happened to you because of our relationship."

She had agreed but she was worried someone would find out.  She had been unable to keep a goofy grin off her face since going home after training.  She had been completely ravished by the man that she had fantasized about for so long.  It was impossible to not have a goofy ass look on her face.  It was probably a good thing she was alone most of the day, shuffling through papers because if she had regular co-workers that she was around a lot they would have known something had happened.  Thankfully her position kept her alone most of the time with only a few interactions with Naruto and Shikamaru during the day.  It only took a short period of time to sort through the new stack, which she collected to take to Shikamaru's office.

He looked up when she came in and gave a half smile, "Good morning, Sarah."

"Good morning, Shikamaru, did you have a good night?"

"Nah, it was a drag.  Tamari was not in the best of moods, so I spent most of it hiding outside."

Sarah laughed, "Now what did you do to make her in a bad mood?"

"Why is it that women always assume it is the man's fault if their woman is in a bad mood?"  Shikamaru said while giving her an almost sulky look on his face.

"Because any of us that have been in relationships know that usually it is," Sarah retorted with a smirk.

Shikamaru laughed at the words, his eyes now drifting to the scarf.  She fingered it absently as his eyes narrowed a little on it and she turned away before he could look at it more closely.  She separated the papers in the appropriate boxes before walking over with one document to put at his immediate attention.  He was too damn perceptive and smart, she had to distract him and thankfully she had something that would do just that.

"I know that this doesn't necessarily state it is an emergency, but there is just something strange in the request that you might want to look at."

Shikamaru looked away from her scarf and to the paperwork.  He then leaned back in his chair with a frown.  He shifted his eyes over at her own, "Shinobi graves being dug up, huh?  That is a bit suspicious."

Sarah folded her hands in front of her before saying, "It just reminded me a bit of when they were being stolen for the reanimation Jutsu in the past.  That would be a nightmare if someone was up to that old business again."

"Hmm," he responded before giving a nod.  "Yeah, that would be a drag if that was what was happening again.  I'll give it to Naruto and see what he thinks.  At the very least, we can send out an A class team to give it an investigation.  Good eye, Sarah."

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