A Night In

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**Photo artist unknown taken from Zerochan Anime Images**

Kakashi gave a cautionary glance around as she started moving quickly away from him towards the Hokage building, noting that no one was paying them any attention. His conversation with Sasuke was still fresh in his mind and he had done decided that he was not going to be able to wait for very long to claim her.  If he was as obvious about his intentions as Sasuke said, he was already wound up too tight.  More time would only make it even more obvious to anyone keeping tabs on him.  He hurried after her, grabbed her by the wrist, before tucking them both into a corner out of sight.  She looked up at him with wide eyes, clearly confused as to what he could possibly want now.  He was just as confused as to how to proceed but knew he could not let her go with her being as frustrated with him as she had been.  It might forestall what he had in mind for the immediate future.

"I was just having some fun with you, Sarah," he finally said as he gathered his wits together. "That is what friends do, isn't it?  Friends also show affection from time to time, do they not?  Perhaps I feel comfortable enough with you to do so, did you consider that?  I'm honestly not trying to tease you about your feelings towards me."

Sarah bit her lower lip as she looked up at him.  His eyes seemed imploring, and she felt like he was being truthful.... at least partially.  "Well... yeah, they do."  Somehow, she felt like she was walking into a trap of sorts.  The man was known for being smarter than even Shikamaru and for whatever reason he was trying to smooth her ruffled feathers.  She wasn't convinced he wasn't having some fun at her expense again.

"And you have to admit that you and I are connected to one another by our traumas, right?  We understand one another better than others ever could.  True?"

Sarah eyed him warily, "True."

"I know that I haven't known you very long, but I feel like I have for a very long time," Kakashi said softly, cupping the side of her face with one of his gloved hands.  "As such, it just seems natural to touch and tease you a little bit.  Like we are very old friends.  I feel completely comfortable with you so naturally I behave as such."

Sarah was amazed at his words as she looked up at him.  "You really feel like that?"

Kakashi tugged his mask down so she could see his smile.  "Yes, I do, very much.  So, if I act too friendly, I am just showing you some affection.  Think about it, Sarah, how many people do I willingly show my face to?  Those that have seen it in the past it was not my intention to show them.  You're the only one I've willingly allowed to see my face ever.  The only one I've wanted to see my face."

Sarah was definitely wordless now.  He smiled at her in a way that made her insides turn to mush before slowly pulling his mask back up.  His eyes shifting around to make sure no one could see them before turning his focus back to her.

"Can I come over tonight?  I'll bring a movie.  You do owe me a meal too, right?"

Sarah laughed at the reminder, "Oh, that's convenient that you remember that now."  She couldn't deny that she had missed his company.  Having him over tonight and watching a movie sounded nice and cozy.  Just the thing that friends did together.  She tilted her head to the side, "Okay.  I get off around four-thirty.  I'm usually home by five.  I'll have to stop to get a few things so I can make something from my world for you like I promised."

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