Drowning in Paper

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Kakashi strolled through town with one hand in his pocket, his Make Out Tactics book in the other.  He was trying to read the words on the page, but his mind was elsewhere.  He had decided to give Sarah a few days to get settled into a routine before approaching her again.  He told himself he needed to see her to set up a training schedule and had planned on waiting a week but...  She should have a good idea as to what would work by her new schedule already.  For all the world, he looked like he always did.  Unconcerned and meandering through life without a care in the world.  However, that wasn't the case.  He was anything but unconcerned or carefree.  He was troubled and the source of his bother was completely unaware of just how much she had affected him in that short period they were together.  Sarah was continually on his mind, and he was going crazy not seeing her.  It had actually been that reason, not training, that had him bumping up the schedule he had set by five days.

If he was being honest though... He had set the time period initially a week out because he was avoiding her.  Primarily out of guilt.  He had not been honest at all about that morning make out session.  Not only had he been completely aware of what he was doing from the moment he kissed her and flipped her over, he had been fully intending on casting away his principals and celibacy until she called out his name in protest.  He had every intention of having sex with her from the moment he had woke up at her first movement in the bed. Waking up in the position they were in had flipped a switch in his mind.  After stealing that secret kiss the night before, he had wanted more. He wanted... no needed to know what she tasted like and had decided, to hell with it.  He was a Shinobi and no Shinobi worth his salt ever woke up not fully aware of their surroundings in an instant.  In truth, even in sleep, they were always on high alert.  To not could have deadly consequences and Kakashi was one of the best.

Kakashi was actually surprised Sarah had not figured that out right away.  Now that a few days had passed, he was nervous that she would have worked that out for herself and would be upset with him for taking advantage of her.  It was primarily that reason why he had staying away for as long as he had done.  He suspected she might take a swing at him once she did figure out the way he had played her for his own selfish desire.

But oh...  For those brief moments, he had been in heaven.  It had just about killed him to leave her and finish the task in the shower.  That was not what he wanted in that moment in the least.  He still groaned inwardly at how close he had been to pulling his pants down and burying himself inside of her.  To know the mysteries of sex with her.  Kissing her alone had sent his mind on so many fantasies over the last two days that he had almost a perpetual hardon.  He thought that a few days away would take away that desire but instead, he was feeling even worse and wanted her even more.  He missed her so bad that he was beginning to question his own sanity.

How does one miss someone like this that they literally just met?  He was frustrated.  There was no getting around it, he wanted her and bad.  His mind was continually going to the various ways and means by which he wanted to take her carnally. Training might not be a good idea.  He had a feeling the more he was with her, the more he would want her.  He gave a heavy sigh as he lowered his book and shoved it into his pack, giving up on trying to read the words in front of him.  The more he thought about it, the more he was convincing himself that he might be able to indulge without anyone knowing.  Thus, keeping her safe while getting what he wanted.  By training her, he could also get her to a skill level that would ensure if anyone did find out that she could appropriately protect herself if he was not around.  He nodded to himself as he walked, yes that would make it possible.

Of course, he would have to get around her own barriers.  She had said that she felt like she was cursed, that anyone that she loved died or was hurt badly.  That would be a hurdle to get around, for sure, but he was the copy ninja of the leaf.  If he was killed, it would take a very formidable foe to take him down and he had faced many of those kinds of foes and come out alive in the end... well, almost every time. He grimaced, remembering when Pain had killed him.  It had been a blessing in disguise as he had been able to connect with his father and make peace with him.  He still remembered what it had been like to die, to feel his heart stop and to leave to the other realm.  The afterlife was not something to fear but the moment of crossing over had been painful and terrifying.  He didn't talk to anyone about it for that very reason.  It was not something he wanted to relive ever again.  It was actually ironic as it was not Pain that had killed him, but rather overusing his Chakra to the point that he used up his entire lifeforce.

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