Hell Hath No Fury Like A Scared Shinobi

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Kakashi was astonished as Sasuke came back into the room within twenty minutes with a smirk on his face.  He looked at Kakashi and crossed his arms in front of him.  He looked entirely too pleased.  While his heart lessened from the crushing pain of believing Sarah would be killed, he was still in emotional turmoil from the entire events that had transgressed.  He could not stop the overwhelming grief, though, until Sasuke spoke.

"Your wife did exactly what I said she would," Sasuke finally broke the tense silence in the room.  "She's injured but nothing serious.  She should be back here in a few hours.  I offered to bring her directly, but she was having a good time with Killer B.  I personally believe she wanted to make sure that Jaylyn Uchiha actually got here since Yamato stopped her from killing her."

Kakashi slumped in the bed, so great was his relief, and then almost started crying again.  He was shocked.  How did Sarah get to be that good in such a short period of time?  His hands were shaking as his relief went through him.  Every muscle in his body relaxed and he could have melted into the bed from it.  Yet... as he took in the arrogant smirk of his former student again, that relief began to shift into rage.  Sarah did not have a mean bone in her body.  The fact that Yamato had to stop her from killing the other woman after she was defeated was a direct reflection of Sasuke's influence on her training.  She might not have even gone after the woman on a rogue mission if it had not been due to Sasuke's interference in her training.  He would never forget how Sasuke himself had left the village on the same sort of mission, falling in league with Orochimaru in his quest to destroy his brother, Itachi.  He was almost shaking as the rage surged through him that Sasuke had somehow tainted the goodness within his wife.  He sat up in bed and gave Sasuke a dark glare.

"I blame you," he pointed his finger at him.  "You obviously rubbed off on her with this whole revenge business!  She doesn't have a mean bone in her body... at least she didn't used to until you go ahold of her!"

Naruto gave a nervous laugh as the two men glared at one another.  He knew Sasuke well enough to know that he was now just as pissed off as Kakashi obviously was at the accusation.  he had to defuse this and now before it blew up and their long-standing respect for one another was ruined permanently.  He waved his hands, "No, I'm sure that's not it Kakashi Sensei.  Women just process things differently that we do."

"Shut up, Naruto," Kakashi and Sasuke snapped at the same time.

Sasuke tilted his chin up at Kakashi, "Her anger is what awakened the Dojutsu in the first place.  It gave her the power she needed to defeat Jaylyn Uchiha.  Face it, Kakashi, your wife has some darkness in her, whether you want to admit it or not.  She would have to after everything she has gone through in life.  That darkness is just as much a part of her as her goodness.  I only helped her to awaken her powers, which you should be thankful for because even if she had not been awakened, Sarah would have gone after Jaylyn, and she would have died.  You need to accept that your wife is not one to sit by and do nothing.  Her own willfulness would never allow it.  A slight to you she will always take personally."

Kakashi almost growled at the words.  He had to be wrong about that...  Yet, he remembered back to how she had been in her own world.  A dark cloud had hung over her and she had believed she was cursed.  All the traumas in her life would leave a mark on her soul, just as his own had been marked.  Yet since coming here... he had not seen it.  He tried to imagine what it must have been like to come in and see him in this condition.  He clinched his hand tightly, despite her reasonings she had been foolish doing what she had done.  Regardless of what Sasuke said, he still blamed him for accessing the darkness inside of her with is particular belief in life.  Despite everything, Sasuke still believed that the darkness was more powerful than the light.  He still had a lot to learn.  The fact that his technique obviously had progressed Sarah's skills exponentially didn't matter to him.

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