To Kill A Groom

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Kakashi knew he was in trouble as soon as he caught the fire burning in her hazel eyes.  She was doing well to hide it as he weaved her through the crowds that were quickly forming due to his announcement, but the clinching of her right hand told him she was wanting nothing more than to clobber him.  He had planned on asking Sarah to marry him after wining and dining her tonight.  However, he had not quite planned on announcing it to the entire village... before he had even asked her!  He could not explain why he got so angry at Might Guy's affection towards Sarah.  He could not explain why he had even exposed his face to an untold number of people to kiss her in that dazzling spectacle.  Jealousy? He almost laughed when he realized it had been jealousy.  He could not stand even his good friend making a pass at her.  His display had been to make a very public stamp of possession on her.  He had wanted every man to know she was off limits and that included his friends.  Of course, despite his mark of ownership being all over her neck had been totally lost on Guy.  His friend really was a bit of an idiot to not have noticed that in the first place.

It took some time, but he was finally able to steer them away from all the well-wishers.  It had taken a bit of doing as it had caused quite an uproar as the news swept through the village.  He had even taken them down a few alleys to outmaneuver the throngs that had converged.  He decided the best thing was to take her home and wait a while before venturing out again.  He definitely had not anticipated the possessive way he had claimed her to spiral into that big of a commotion.  She shoved the key into the door a bit more aggressively than necessary, while he kept his attention on the way they had come.  The last thing he wanted was for her place to become a media storm, which was going to happen once they got wind of the news.  He shut the door behind them and instantly had to duck as a projectile came flying at his head.

"You... you..." Sarah couldn't even speak and instead went for the next nearest object at hand, fully intent on throwing it at him as well.  She screamed as he went low and scooped her up and over his shoulder, plucking the book she had grabbed out of her hand to toss across the room.  He was getting flashbacks to when she had grabbed his Icha, Icha book.  Except this time, he knew how to get her under control faster.

"Settle down, Sarah," he said calmly, trying hard to not bust out laughing and spiking her anger higher than it currently was in that moment.

"Settle down?  Settle down?!"  she shrieked in indignation.

She twisted in a move that he had taught her and threw them both off balance to crash into the ground.  He quickly countered the move and trapped her under him.  He could not help it, he started laughing.  He had never encountered a furious Sarah before, and it was hilarious.  He had to admit, the way she was fighting him was making subduing her without hurting her difficult because she was mad enough to hurt him.  Those wild bucks only got worse as he laughed almost uncontrollably at that point.

"Sarah, please..." He continued laughing, only making her madder.

"I swear, Guy brings out the worst in you!" She howled.  "I can't believe you announced to everyone we were getting married before even asking me if I would!  You'll leave and I'll be the one that has to deal with all the fallout!  I could just about kill you, Kakashi Hatake!"

Kakashi chuckled as he tightened his grip on her wrists before levering himself up so he could look down at her.  "Well, it wasn't exactly the way I had planned it, but I was certain you would say yes."

Sarah stopped moving and narrowed her eyes on him with obvious suspicious skepticism.  "You were really going to ask me already?"

He smiled at her with his eyes, "Of course.  I already have the ring in my vest.  I've been thinking about it for quite some time now.  Getting caught by Naruto earlier and leaving tomorrow only made me decide to ask you today."  He smiled at her, "I have even already talked to the Monk who will marry us.  I just need to tell him it will be tonight rather than a later date. I also did not think you would want it to be a big wedding but a small, quiet affair."

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