Make Out Tactics - Kakashi Style

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Sarah recognized the restaurant the moment they stepped inside.  She could not help but feel a little excitement as they went to a booth towards the back.  The food was obviously good by the way that Choji had always ate like a madman there.  The smell of cooking meat made her mouth water in anticipation.  It smelled so good and now that they were there, she realized she was starving.  She hadn't eaten much for breakfast that morning, just a couple of bananas that she had grabbed while running out the door.  Her whole intent had been to get to the office, and getting that stack done.  She slid into a seat and nearly gaped as Kakashi followed her in on the same side, bumping her with his hip to scoot over.  She gave him a sideways glance, wondering what he was about now as she scooted over.  Her eyes shifted to the empty booth seat across from them.  He had no real reason to sit right next to her as strategically it would have been better to be facing out to the restaurant.  Perhaps it was easier to hide his face while he was eating with his back to everyone?  No, he was a master at that.  He was up to no good, she was certain of it.  The waitress came over immediately and she let Kakashi order since she was not sure what would be good and trusting his tastes. He barely gave the waitress a glance as he ordered, his eyes were instead fixed on her.  Her face felt warm under those eyes of his and she wondered if he wasn't intentionally trying to rattle her.  He did have a cracked sense of humor after all.  She could not read at all what he was thinking as he looked at her.  She cleared her throat, remembering one of the things she had decided to ask him about the next time she saw him.

"Kakashi, what exactly do you do now?  I mean, you were Hokage but you're not doing that.  Since everything is at peace, I don't expect you go on very many missions and I'm guessing you aren't training anyone right now either."

He raised his brow at her, "Consultation mostly.  They have me sit in on community meetings and for military and security strategy meetings when they come up.  I do still go out on missions from time to time but only in situations that require my particular set of skills.  I actually requested to not train anymore students.  After Team 7, it just wouldn't be the same."

Sarah smiled at that, "Ah. I see.  So basically, you hang around the village most of the time."

"Pretty much... or go fishing.  It's relaxing and gives me time to think."  He smiled slightly, "It's probably a good thing I do like to go fishing seeing as how I pulled you out of the river."

Sarah felt her face flush a little at the reminder, "Is it strange being at peace like this now?"

Kakashi was silent for a moment, thinking the question over.  The waitress returned with their meat, rice, and dumplings in the interim.  He flipped some of the meat onto the grill in front of them before answering.  "In some ways.  I've spent my entire life fighting.  I still train daily just so I don't lose my edge, but the urgency just isn't there. It is more like exercise now."  He smiled slightly, "I also read a lot now."

She smirked, "Oh, I saw your collection."

Kakashi chuckled, "That you did and like the fox you are, you used that collection against me."

He gave a long stretch after starting the meat before setting his arm on the back of the booth behind her.  She raised her brow at him to which he stared back at her with an innocent expression.  She shook her head in humor.  Was he seriously going to start teasing her again?  His sense of humor was definitely cracked.  She almost felt like jabbing him with her chopsticks in his side.  Instead, she leaned forward to flip the meat before one side burned.  When she leaned back, his hand dropped to her shoulder and his thumb absently stroked the right side of her neck.  She felt goosebumps roll across her skin from the touch and her stomach fluttered.

"So, I was thinking..." he said as if he was not causing tremors to go through her body as he looked at her. "Would mornings work better for you or would you prefer after work?"

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