Yamato aka Tenzo

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Sarah was not happy that Yamato was with her.  She had tried to run fast enough to ditch him in the trees, but he was keeping pace with her.  Damn Shinobi are tough bastards.  He had to be hurting at the punishing pace she had set.  This was a task that she felt she should do alone.  She did not want to be responsible if something happened to him.  He was already beat up from his first encounter with the mysterious Uchiha woman.  She also was not certain she would return from the coming battle.  She now had an understanding of fighting techniques, strategy, and chakra control that she had gained from her mind meld with Kakashi of chakra; however, she had no practical application.  She might very well be running to her doom, but she couldn't shake a push within her spirit to go and hunt her down.  She could not allow this creature to survive.  Not if she had the ability to stop her.  It was really a question of whether she believed that she could defeat her.  It was really a question of faith.  Did she believe truly that she had been brought here for a purpose?  One perhaps greater than just meeting and being loved by Kakashi?  If that was the case, this Uchiha Bitch was toast.  She strengthened her faith and resolve, she had to believe in that.

The power surging in her, fueled by her rage, gave her confidence that she normally would have lacked.  Sasuke did not know the extent or what kind of abilities her awakened Jutsu contained.  It was foreign to him, and he had told her as much as they had continued their training.  She was no fool, she knew she was nowhere near as strong as Naruto or Sasuke.  They were in a league of their own, but she believed by what she saw this woman was not as powerful as they were either.  Kakashi almost had her in his fight.  Yet her slight deflection into the opposite side of her heart had saved her.  She was also wounded and would be weakened.  This was the best possible shot to end her fast.

Sarah felt for certain that it was now or never.  She clinched her hand tightly as she raced through the trees and into the mountains.  She looked back to Yamato that had wisely remained silent for most of the journey.  She paused as they reached a river, knowing he probably needed a rest after the speed she had forced him to travel.  A bit of guilt went through her, knowing no matter what she tried, he was going to stay on her like white on rice.  She almost smiled at his determination.  She went to the water and cupped her hand to drink the cold water.

Yamato followed her actions, then gave her a questioning expression.  "Are you certain you must do this, Sarah?  You have no real combat experience.  I barely got Kakashi out of there alive.  This woman is very powerful."

"While y'all have been gone, I've been training with Sasuke," she answered softly.  "This... glow is from my awakened Jutsu.  I saw what happened in the battle when I touched Kakashi earlier and I gained his knowledge of Ninjutsu, fighting styles - his strategies, everything he knows of combat.  I do not know what all I can do but I'm about to find out.  If I die, at least I died trying to rid the world of her evil."  She eyed him for a moment, "I didn't realize you had left with Kakashi."

"It wasn't planned," Yamato admitted.  "Naruto asked me to join Kakashi at the last minute.  He thought that the two of us would be able to complete the mission faster as a team."

Sarah gave a long sigh, "Yamato, I do not want your blood on my hands.  Please, consider going back.  You're still pretty beat up.  I can do this alone."

Yamato stood and did not say anything at first.  He then motioned with his chin towards the mountain, "We need to take that route to the cavern."

He was determined to follow her, and she had no choice but to allow him.  Stubborn ass Shinobi. Despite being annoyed he refused to leave, she felt a measure of gratitude and friendship towards the man.  As of yet, he was the only one that knew she had gone rogue.  She gave a nod of her head and started running once more.  Her chakra giving her speed to take the route faster than would normally be possible.  They arrived at the cavern shortly and Sarah knelt, clearing her mind.  She narrowed her eyes, seeing with them a faint chakra trail leading away from the cavern.

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