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Kakashi was silent as they left the building far behind after the brief exchange. Sarah shifted her glance over at him, noticing he looked preoccupied.  His cheeks just above his mask was a little pink and she wondered what he was thinking about so intently.  He appeared to be in his own world and despite what he had said, she had been one big bother to him.  She bit her lower lip but remained silent out of respect.  He was definitely thinking about something heavy.  She was worried that she was becoming an even bigger "drag" to him than she had already been.  He had gone way out of his way for her and now he was tasked with babysitting her even longer.  He was probably ready to have some time to himself.  From what she knew of him, he didn't casually just hang out with people for any length of time. Hopefully she would not have to infringe on him any longer once Naruto got her a place to stay.  She did not want to be a bother to him anymore than she already had been.

She felt her cheeks warm as she thought back over everything that they had talked about in the short time they had been together.  She had really unloaded a lot on him.  Perhaps she had said too much, too soon in their new friendship.  She worried her lower lip as she turned her thoughts inward.  How would she react to everything she had told him?  On top of that, she had put him in a situation the night before that had him breaking some of his own principals the next morning.  She had not handled anything with Kakashi right and it was too late to fix them.  She would not be surprised if he avoided her once she was on her own. The thought made her heart hurt again.  Her mind went back to his conversation with Guy.  He had charmed her out of thinking that way before, but he was above all else a good man.  He wouldn't want to hurt her feelings and it was obvious, her feelings had been hurt.  Sarah shoved her own hands in her pockets as the euphoria of meeting Naruto evaporated.  

Kakashi touched her elbow, drawing her attention to him.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking," she responded quietly.  "Thank you for everything you've done for me.  I would have been so lost without you."

Kakashi finally smiled, "I really haven't done that much.  I've enjoyed spending time with you. I think the two of us have a lot in common."  He nudged her, "I said as much last night, remember?  I think we can fill in those empty places we both have in us.  We might not be able to cross the friendzone, but we can fill in that lack of a romantic relationship with our friendship."

Hope flared up in her chest at the words. Maybe he wouldn't become a stranger after all.  She smiled back at him, "I have enjoyed our time together, too.  I hope when we part ways that we don't become strangers."

Kakashi's eyes narrowed in that cute way when he was humored, "I don't see that happening.  I told you I was going to protect you, remember?  I keep all my promises.  How can I protect you if I'm nowhere around you? Hmm?" He then motioned with his head, "There's Ichiraku's.  You ready for some ramen?"

"Am I ever!" she said with a grin while clapping her hands together in anticipation.  "I've been dying to try what Naruto loves the most since I watched the show.  There weren't any ramen shops where I was from, so I've only had the instant ramen."

They sat down on the barstools and Sarah was amazed as she looked at the two faces in front of her.  Just like everyone else, they were spot on with their anime counterparts.  She had to wonder how the manga writer had been so accurate.  It was mind blowing really how exact it all was to the manga and anime.

Kakashi ordered for them both and then turned to her as they prepared the ramen.  "I was thinking, one way I can protect you is to teach you more self-defense.  I'm curious as to whether or not you can learn some Ninjutsu.  I'd also like to assess the skills you already have with your Aikido."

Sarah felt her mouth drop open a little.  "You want to train me?  Kakashi Sensei wants to be my sensei...."

Kakashi raised both brows, "You have a better option?"

Sarah laughed, "Are you kidding?  That sounds awesome.  Yes, I'd love that!"  She gave him a hug that made his cheeks turn a little pink.  "Oh, this will be so much fun!"

"I won't go easy on you, even though we are friends.  I will feel better if I know you can handle yourself. As much as I'd like to think it, I won't always be around to protect you.  I still get sent out on missions from time to time and God knows as many times as our village has been attacked, you should know how to appropriately protect yourself."

"I'll be serious with it, I promise," she said with a serious expression. She then patted her stomach, "Although... you know, it will take me a while to get back into as good of shape as I used to be.  After Demiana was born, I gained some weight.  I wasn't able to get to the Dojo as often as I once did, but it wasn't until after the accident that I really let myself go.  I just didn't care anymore."

Kakashi was interrupted from saying anything as their food was placed in front of them before he could comment.  He personally liked a little bit of meat on her, but he did not doubt that she would slim way down by the time he put her through the paces.  He was going to put her through the paces and possibly be tougher on her than he had his own team.  He was damn determined that if trouble came, she would be able to protect herself if he wasn't around.

"Oh, my goodness, this smells so good!" Sarah said, almost drooling as she looked at the ramen.

She eagerly broke her chopsticks apart and began slurping up the meal.  Kakashi was wordless as he watched her eat.  She really was like Naruto on some levels.  He shook his head before lowering his mask to quickly eat his meal, earning adoring looks from the two behind the counter in the process.  The shop was empty except for the four of them, so he didn't have to eat like he normally did when he was out in public.  He looked over at Sarah after finishing his bowl then sliding his mask back into place.  He almost laughed.  She was holding her stomach with a goofy smile on her face, looking entirely like a satisfied woman.

"I see why Naruto loves this so much," she finally said.  "It's so good.  I'll get even fatter if I eat this as much as I will want to.  Delicious, Teuchi!"

The other man smiled so big, Kakashi thought his face would break.  Teuchi then looked at him, "Who's your new friend, Lord Sixth?"

"This is Sarah and I imagine you'll see a lot of her."

Teuchi chuckled and wiped the counter, "Ah, now that is what I like to hear!"

Kakashi leaned towards Sarah, "You won't be gaining too much weight.  Not with the workout I'm going to be putting you through," Kakashi told her.  "You are going to hurt in ways you never have before, that's a promise.  I'm going to rough with you until I'm satisfied that you're more than proficient."

Sarah wrinkled her nose at him, not entirely liking the way that sounded in the least.  "Are you trying to dissuade me?"

"Not in the least.  Just giving you fair warning.  Since I want you to be able to protect yourself, I'm going to be pretty hard on you for a while."  Kakashi turned towards her, "In your world, the fighting styles your people use.  Are they anything like what is on the show?"

Sarah nodded, "The Taijutsu is the same.  It comes in different names, Karate, Aikido, etc. but it's similar in nature.  We don't have Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, though.  The things y'all can do like running up a tree and hanging by your chakra... never.  It's not something that we as a people seem to possess in my world."  She then frowned slightly, "Well... not entirely.  I have read that there are monks high in the mountains that can do amazing things, but they don't let many outsiders in and definitely not anyone with a camera on them.  So, it is possible that it is a lost art."

"Interesting," Kakashi spoke softly.  "I still would like to see if you can do some of it.  Perhaps since you are here, you might be able to now. It's hard telling what kind of changes to your body you might have experienced crossing over here."

Sarah felt a surge of excitement.  "Oh my gosh, if I can stand upside down on a tree, I will have my entire mind blown!"

He laughed, "That is an advanced lesson.  We will be starting small.  Firstly, we will be working on your stamina and honing your Taijutsu.  Once you're at a level I deem acceptable, we will work on Ninjutsu."  She had a dreamy look on her face, causing him to laugh as he stood.  He could well imagine she was now fantasizing about all the things she might one day be able to do in this world. Kakashi paid for the meal while Sarah daydreamed of standing upside down on a tree.  He practically had to tug her along back to Naruto's office as distracted as she was in her own thoughts and imaginings.

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