Obito and Tiberius' Grandma

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Kakashi felt almost sick as Sarah screamed loud enough to rupture an eardrum while squeezing his hand so tight, he thought she would break it. He was sweating next to her and was about to throttle the doctor when they said that she still had a bit of time to go. He was not ready for this in the least. He thought he had another month to prepare himself.  He had almost tripped over his own feet when Iruka had burst into the meeting, yelling about Sarah being in labor.  He had then had to dodge about a million people on the street... okay, maybe not a million... as he ran as fast as possible to the hospital.  It was unfortunately at one of the busier times of day in the village and he had about lost his mind thinking he was going to miss the birth.  If he had known it was going to take this long, he might not have been quite as frantic.  No, he would still have probably been just as crazed.  He had been completely unprepared for them to make their appearance a month early.

"Can't you give her something for the pain at least?" he snapped.

"She doesn't have that much time," the doctor replied in a monotone. "By the time it would take effect, the babies will already be here. Just relax, this is normal, Lord Sixth."

"Did he just say relax?" Sarah yelled. "I'm going to wring his neck!"

The doctor beat a hasty retreat when she started cussing like a sailor and started looking around for something to throw at him. Kakashi grabbed a cool washcloth and quickly wiped her face. "I'm never touching you again. I swear, I'm hands off from now on."

Sarah glared at him, "Don't you dare say that now, Kakashi Hatake.  Don't you dare take away the thing I enjoy so much just because I'm in pain now." She dropped back on the bed as the contraction passed, breathing hard as she curled her arms around her stomach. She groaned, "I wish my Mama was here. She was so comforting when Demiana was born."

Kakashi felt bad and didn't know what to do. He was completely out of his element. Not to mention that Sarah's eyes were going back and forth between hazel to the fire blue flames of her Dojutsu when a contraction would hit. Her chakra was all over the place and it was really concerning him. It was almost as if she could not control the power within her when the pain was at its greatest.  The energy in the room was not helping his anxiety in the slightest.

They still did not know what all she could do with her Jutsu. He knew she was able to copy the abilities of others while probing their minds, as she had done with him. That she could summon the wind and according to Sasuke, the water styles as well - although that was not an area they had explored as he had forbidden her from learning anything new for the time being. He continued to wipe her face while trying to keep her calm, "I'm not going to leave your side. We will get through this. Just breath, Sarah. Use your Aikido breathing technique."

Sarah looked at him and then nodded her head. She had not thought to do that at all. She closed her eyes and started centering herself. She felt as if she was stretching out into the universe as she centered herself, the pain that came upon her again. She cried out again but tried to maintain the breathing. It seemed to take a bit of the edge off and as she centered more, she felt the connection with the universe surge within her.

Kakashi felt a chill go over him as the air seemed to reverberate around them. He had never seen that happen before. "Sarah maybe..."

She let out another loud scream as the contraction hit her full force. His eyes widened as he saw the air split like a window had been opened. In the distance, he could see a figure hesitantly walking towards the opening before it abruptly closed once more.

"Sarah... Whatever you're doing you need to stop..." he spoke gently to her, trying to keep his shock out of his tone.

Her eyes opened and the blue fire was back. He watched as a blue glow began to illuminate from her frame as another contraction hit her full force. He now understood what Yamato had meant by her looking like a blue Naruto. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as the air rippled again and the air split wide open. He looked beyond at the figure on the other side that was now close enough he could make them out clearly.  He almost fell over as he recognized her.

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