Mrs. Hatake

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Sarah was staring at herself in the long mirror, just off the main room where she would marry Kakashi shortly.  Sarah, Ino, Sakura, and Sai had gone all over the village getting various items for the wedding.  Sarah had felt a bit sorry for Sai as he had been quite laden down with all the bags and boxes they had collected in the endeavor.  Eventually they had so much that he had stopped in the middle of the street, pulled out a scroll, and then sealed everything inside of it.  The most amusing thing, though, had been watching the other two women constantly arguing over everything they had looked at, the rivalry was obviously still there.  Somehow, though, they had got everything done with enough time to spare to actually get ready.

Sakura was currently fussing over her dress while Ino was working on her hair.  Both young women were dressed in stylish gowns of their own.  Sarah had asked Sakura to stand up with her, since they had formed a nice friendship during the last few months.  She had come to really care about the much younger woman and now she was friends with Ino.  They had a lot of fun running all over the place.  Until now, though, she had spent most of her time with Kakashi and not developed her relationships much with anyone else.  She had been over to Naruto's a couple of times for dinner, Hinata's way of saying thank you for the help she had given her husband, but for the most part her world had revolved around Kakashi.  Now, she felt like she was starting to make some roots into the community.  Every shop owner, upon learning who she was, had treated her like she was royalty, and she knew her days of anonymity was long over.

Ino had insisted Sai change into a suit the minute they got done with all their shopping and unloaded all their wares at the temple. Sarah thought he was adorable and clueless at once as he had followed them around for the day.  He seemed to be better at understanding human emotions than he had been on the show, but he still had a long way to go. He was still very blunt and had commented on their hurried marriage, insinuating that she must be pregnant because of the rush.  She had laughed hard, anyone else would have been insulted at the words but she knew Sai well from the show and did not take it to heart.  He was just blunt and spoke without filters.  She was pleased that all of Team 7 was going to be in attendance.  Kakashi had been their leader for a long time.  They were really the closest thing to family that he had left in the world.

Sarah frowned slightly, wishing that her mother was able to be there.  Her mother would have been so happy that she had found love again and a new life.  She wondered if her disappearance had been labeled a death with no hope of recovering the body.  They would have found her car with her ID in the wallet she had in the center console.  The father of the child she had rescued would have been able to identify her by that alone.  She grimaced as she thought about her brother, who was overseas, getting the news and of course, Melissa would wonder why she never showed up.  Shannon would be sad for a while, but her boy would pull her out of the funk.  Misti would be shaken the hardest, though, after having that bit of insight the night before she disappeared.  It would be a while before her friends found out anything because while her mother knew them all, with the exception of Misti, she wouldn't have any of their contact information.  She would have to go through her stuff to get that information and for the first time, her use of a physical address book as a backup would come in handy.  It felt almost wrong that they were not here with her, all of them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sakura asked her, noticing the sadness in her eyes.

"I was just thinking about my mom, brother, and friends in my world," Sarah answered truthfully.  "They probably think I'm dead.  My Mom would have been so happy to know what really happened to me and that I was marrying Kakashi.  She had been so worried about me because I was in a bad place before coming here."

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