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(N/N)= Nickname

The story will be in first-person POV. Enjoy!


Jade and I were walking to Sikowitz's class, talking and laughing about a horror movie that we watched over the weekend. Well, Jade was laughing at me because I hate horror movies and my reactions to pretty much every scene were evidently hysterical to her.

"Oh, hush, West," I chided, playfully. "You know very well that I hate horror movies."

Through her laughter, Jade said, "Oh, I know. But your reactions were totally worth it." I rolled my eyes. She was still laughing at my expense. And I knew it was pointless to keep the topic going. It would only make her laugh more.

Finally, we made it to class. Jade opened the door and we froze, seeing the new girl, Tori Vega, rubbing my boyfriend, Beck. "Dude," Jade said angrily, "Why are you rubbing my best friend's boyfriend?"

Tori was definitely scared by Jade's outburst. "Jade, relax. It could be a misunderstanding," I said. Then, I walked towards the pretty brunette and Beck. "Though, I am curious as to what happened?" The poor girl was a stuttering mess, reeling from being confronted on her first day. I looked over to Beck for an answer only to find coffee stains all over the shirt he was wearing.

"Ah. I see. Miss your mouth, love?"

Beck gave me a sarcastic smile, which I gladly returned with my own innocent grin. "Cute. But to answer your question, no."

"I accidentally bumped into him and made him spill his coffee," Tori said, speaking up for the first time. "I was trying to clean it."

Jade appeared at my side. "I bet you were."

"Jade, that's unnecessary," I chided, hoping she would back off. She's always been too overprotective when it came to Beck and I's relationship. "Tori seems like a nice person. No harm was done."

I turned to Tori who still looked nervous. "Thank you for taking care of Beck when I couldn't. I'm (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you, Tori. I hope we can be friends." Beck draped his arm around my shoulders and led us to our seats. "Oh! And you were awesome in the Big Showcase," I added over my shoulder. After another second of giving Tori her meanest glare, Jade finally relented and went to find her own chair. Aside from Jade's threatening stance, Tori had calmed down considerably since I first saw her.

"Oh my god, there's a huge fire!" Chaos ensued at the abrupt announcement. Beck protectively grabbed me around the waist and quickly guided me to the door as everyone around us screamed in panic. "Kidding, kidding," our acting teacher, Sikowitz, confirmed through the noise. He was a middle-aged man with a peculiar fashion sense that lacked any type of footwear. "Just trying to get your blood pumping, which I did. Ha!"

My heart was still trying to escape from my chest and my breathing was erratic. "Pretty sure that's illegal." Looking around, I saw signs of agreement from nearly every one of my classmates. Sikowitz ignored me. "Alright! Now, let's get started... Rumps in chairs."

Beck and I took deep breaths to calm ourselves as we sat behind Tori and Andre. As we settled in, I overheard Tori ask, "He's our teacher?"

"Okay," Sikowitz continued as he stood on the little stage. "First, I'd like to introduce our new student, Tori. And I'd like to thank Tori for her generous gift of $2, which she handed me outside this morning. Not necessary, but much appreciated."

Beck and I exchanged confused glances. "Why'd you give him $2?" Andre asked.

"I thought he was homeless." I could see how that could be misleading. At least she's a good person.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now