New Principal and Re-Auditions

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After our out-of-country holiday, I wasn't about to take another one anytime soon, and Beck agreed. It had been a few weeks and things were normal again. Well, normal enough for us. Morning classes had finished, and we were at the Asphalt Cafe for lunch. With an exception of Robbie and Tori, our friend group was seated at a table under the balcony stage. Beck had his arm draped over my shoulders as I leaned into his side.

"Hello. Your attention, please," Sikowitz announced into his mic. We looked up at the balcony, but the tables around us continued their conversations. "Up here. I'm waving. See my hand, moving to and fro?"

I looked around the other tables and couldn't believe how rude they all were while Sikowitz desperately waved his arm through the air. "Please!" He called again. I rolled my eyes and went to intervene, but Jade beat me to it.

She stood on the table bench and loudly demanded, "Everybody shut up!!"

Silence settled over the cafe and Sikowitz commented, "Ah Jade, so sweet and feminine."

Jade sent a resolved glare up to Sikowitz before dropping back into her seat. I playfully nudged her in the side and gave her a smile. The corner of her lip twitched upward and then we looked up at Sikowitz.

"And now, I give you a man who needs no introduction. He was born beside a river in Kentucky, way back in nineteen-"

"Sikowitz, gimme the mic," Principal Eikner interrupted while trying to pry the mic from Sikowitz's hands.

Before it was out of Sikowitz's hands he finished with, "Principal Eikner."

We softly applauded as Skiowitz stepped back, giving Principal Eikner the spotlight. "Students and faculty. It's with a heavy heart that I tell you... That as of today... I'm resigning as principal of Hollywood Arts."

My brows furrowed as we talked among ourselves, and the cafe filled with murmurs of confusion. "Okay, now, shhh... Please hold your murmurs," Principal Eikner said, quieting his students. "It's not that I don't love running this school. I do. But I've fallen in love with a Tahitian woman, and I want to spend time with her, and her people."

A beautiful woman in her native clothing nestled into the principal's side. She had a partly eaten banana in her hand, which Sikowitz took the liberty of relieving her of.

"I can't believe he's leaving," Cat chimed. "Who's gonna be our principal?"

"I'm sure they've already found a replacement," I replied. Apparently, I was right, and Robbie and Tori already had the pleasure of meeting her just as the bell rang for class. We laughed at Robbie's misfortune of losing $400 to Sinjin over the bike our new principal accidentally ran over.

We were laughing so much, Sikowitz had to quiet us down to get the class started. As he prepared Cat for the scene he was planning, we forced ourselves to wait patiently. Beck was running his fingers across my hand and twisting my rings around my fingers, which soothed me greatly. I leaned my head against his shoulder, relishing in the feel of his nails over my skin.

"Alright!" Sikowitz announced, stirring me from my relaxed state. "Tori and Jade, you two are going to play husband and wife."

Tori looked over her shoulder at Jade who was sitting on my other side. "I'll be the wife."

"Yeah, no kidding," Jade deadpanned before stomping out of her chair.

Sikowitz spun the chair Cat was on and announced, "Now, here's your brand new synthetically red-headed baby."

She was wearing a baby bonnet and looked even more adorable than usual. "Wait, before we start, I was wondering, I have three questions-"

Sikowitz shoved a binky into her mouth, cutting off her speech. "Now, your dialogue should all be friendly and happy but your subtext is anger, so you must say your happy lines angrily," he animatedly instructed. "Action."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now