Entitled, Untalented Brats and Sweet Justice

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"Ow. Ow. Ow!" Cat's character exclaimed. Sikowitz decided to have his class in the Blackbox today, which I wasn't complaining about. There was more room to spread out and a bigger stage space to work with. Beck and I were sitting in foldable chairs by the soundboard. Jade was sitting with us too. She was closest to the wall. Robbie was in front of us, holding Rex in his lap. And Tori had found a seat closer to the doors. Andre and Cat were performing a scene about a girl with a spider in her eye and an African tour guide that was trying to save her.

"I'm so scared," 'Cat' whimpered.

With a noticeable African accent, 'Andre' reassured, "Try to relax. Everything is going to be alright."

He was getting all the necessary 'medical supplies' organized. "You have to get me to a doctor," 'Cat' ordered in a frightened voice.

"Shh! If that spider bites your eyeball, you could die in minutes."

"Oh, man, please get it off my eye."

'Andre' nodded and got his tweezers ready. "I'm going to try. Now, shh. Don't move, and don't make a sound."

He inched the tweezers dangerously close to Cat's exposed aye. Suddenly, a phone rang, making Cat scream as she pushed Andre away with a large amount of force for such a tiny girl.

"Oh, man, the ringing is back!" Sikowitz yelled. As if they were in pain, Sikowitz held his ears and quickly walked around the room, trying to escape the supposed ringing.

"Sikowitz! Hey, Sikowitz!" We all yelled, trying to be heard over Sikowitz's cries for help.

The shouting continued until Beck's loud voice bellowed, "Sikowitz!"

"Yes?" He asked as if nothing had just transpired. He had found his way behind Tori and finally stopped shouting.

"That was a phone," I informed.

A stern look washed over his face as he crossed his arms and looked over the class. "Whose?"

"Mines," Tori answered meekly, mimicking the way Sikowitz drew out his 's'. "I swear, I thought I had it on vibrate."

"Class is no place for swearing or vibrating," Sikowitz retorted. Beck and I sent each other an odd look before shaking it off. We should've been used to this kind of behavior by now.

"Maybe we should start the scene over," Andre suggested, still using his accent.

"Can we?" Cat asked.

Sikowitz huffed. "No, Cat, it's too late," he explained while walking closer to the red-head. "By now, that spider would have bitten your character's eyeball, and you'd be dying a spastic, painful death."

"Thanks a lot, Tori," Cat jabbed, making me pout at how adorable she was. Even when she was upset with someone, she had the most adorable voice and facial expressions.

"Well, we still have about..." Sikowitz trailed off and looked at his imaginary wristwatch before continuing, "Four minutes left. Why don't we all chat about our weekend plans? Robbie, I assume you have none."

I couldn't help but let out a snicker and seeing Beck's wide grin, I knew he found just as much amusement in Sikowitz's jab. Robbie tripped over his words, trying to come up with a plan, any plan to make himself seem cooler in the eyes of his peers.

But when nothing came to mind, he admitted, "I don't."

"Rex?" Sikowitz asked. If Rex had plans, didn't that mean Robbie had plans?

Robbie moved Rex's hand about as the puppet said, "I'm gonna par-tay with a couple of girls from Northridge."

"Northridge girls. That should be an adventure," Sikowitz commented.

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