Reality TV and Attached Drama

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I am so sorry! I totally forgot to write a warning. I'm sorry for anyone who was triggered or offended. This chapter contains mentions of sexual assault and harassment. Again, I'm sorry for those of you that are affected and have already read. Forgive me, I'll be better.




After Mrs. Lee found out that Daisy didn't sing, she withdrew her money from Jade's play, so it became a one-night wonder. But Jade didn't mind. She got to showcase her talents the way she wanted. And her father even gave her... his version of praise. Their relationship was still very much strained, but it was a step in the right direction.

Tori made Trina apologize to me for how she treated me. I could tell it was a forced affair. There was no sincerity behind Trina's words whatsoever, she acted as if taking responsibility for her behavior was a burden. I was nowhere close to forgiving her, but since she was Tori's sister, and we'd inevitably be around her fairly often, I decided it would be best for everyone if I remained civil towards the girl.

In other news, Mrs. Lee appreciated how I looked after her daughter when my friends didn't bother. By the way, I scolded them hard for what they did. When I was done, they apologized to Daisy and Mrs. Lee whole-heartedly. But I could tell Mrs. Lee wasn't about to forgive them so easily. It didn't matter to me though. Mrs. Lee agreed to let Daisy take violin lessons with me. While I had never had a student before, she said I was great with kids and that her daughter gravitated towards me, which she had never done with anyone. Daisy and I were equally excited, and we were actually starting this weekend. I had offered to let Daisy borrow my violin to see if she wanted to continue before Mrs. Lee bought her one, but Mrs. Lee insisted. In the end, I convinced her to rent a violin from a local shop, so Daisy wouldn't feel pressured into playing.

Today was a brand new day, and I was in a very positive mindset. I felt like everything was going right, it was exciting. I was at my locker, replacing my books when I heard Tori chime, "Hey, Treen-a-Reena."

Peering at the source, I saw Tori and Trina by the vending machines. I closed my locker and went over to greet them. "Hey, ladies."

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," Tori replied with a toothy grin.

"Hey," Trina said. "You guys want a soda?"

I shook my head. "No, thank you."

"Uh, sure," Tori relented.

"Me too, gimme money," Trina stated, holding her hand out expectantly.

Tori couldn't help but chuckle before giving Trina the necessary money. She snatched the money and placed it in the machine before pressing the desired buttons. Within moments, two cans of soda clunked to the bottom before Trina received them from the port. She handed Tori her soda and they started drinking while I sipped from my water bottle.

"Ew! I hate cherry," Trina stated after taking a sip. Her face contorted into one of deep disgust while Tori and I looked at her confused.

"You knew that. I don't even know why you would choose it," Tori countered.

"I mean-"

Trina's defense ceased and she and Tori looked behind me with furrowed brows. I looked over my shoulder only to slowly retreat from some kind of floating toy that could loosely resemble some type of spacecraft. I found myself in between the sisters as we looked on confused while the toy shot las- lights towards us. Having enough of the annoyance, Tori took her notebook and slammed the toy into the floor.

The girls and I chuckled and smiled at each other in victory. "Hey," Robbie said, storming over to us. "Thanks a lot for whacking my Astro craft!" He exclaimed angrily.

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