Catch Up and Zombies

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 Hello, beautiful readers!

So, I skipped a couple of episodes. I didn't really know where you would fit in and I wasn't about to ruin your relationship with Beck over a petty fight. I hated how Jade reacted to the Alyssa Vaughn thing. But it's hard to say what we would've done if we were in Jade's situation, I suppose. What do you think you would've done? I'd like to think that I'd be more understanding and share my concerns in a calmer manner. Thoughts?

Warning: This chapter contains mentions of sexual assault and unwanted touching. Please read at your own risk.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter! And thank you for reading!!




So, a lot has happened in our time apart. Let me catch you up. Tori was freaking out about getting a gift for Tina on her 'birth-week'. Conceded much. Anyway, Tori wrote a killer song and performed it for Trina. But Trina had a fit, saying that a song wasn't a gift. So, she sold the song that Tori recorded to a record label. When the record label found out that Trina wasn't the singer, Tori got the opportunity to jump in. But then, Beyonce heard the song and loved it, and the record people kicked Tori to the curb. Beck was lucky he was in Canada that week. It was not fun.

Then, pictures of Beck and Alyssa Vaughn started circling the internet. That wasn't fun either. I knew about Beck's friendship with Alyssa Vaughn, and I've never had a problem. Alyssa was the sweetest person ever, and even though I knew she found Beck attractive, she respected our relationship. But that didn't make the situation any better. It seemed like everywhere we went, Beck and I were spotted by paparazzi. They were relentless as they surrounded us and shouted their questions. Someone asked if Beck was cheating on me or Alyssa. Some asked if I was his sister or friend. Beck did his best to shield me away from them, but they still got a few shots of my face. Then, they found out who I was. And since my father is a famous actor and producer, the headlines exploded even more. It took many conferences and meetings for Alyssa, her dad, and my dad to settle the whole situation. But, they did it and everything was normal again. Well, normal-ish.

"Ready?" Our director asked. We were rehearsing a play called 'Uptown Downtown'. Beck, Robbie, and Tori were playing characters stuck in a love triangle. But, spoiler alert, in the end, Tori's character ends up with Beck's character. Jade was a secondary character. Andre was performing the music. And I was tasked with doing the cast members' makeup. Jade and I were sitting in the audience, waiting for them to rehearse the scene.


The lights went up, revealing Tori and Robbie. "I don't know," Tori said.

"Oh, come on! Why can't you admit you're in love with me?"

"Why are you in love with me?"

"Because you're beautiful," Robbie reasoned. "Look at your face in the moonlight."

Tori gazed up at the 'moon'. "I can't."

"You can."

"No, a person can't look at their own face, it's impossible," Tori deadpanned.

"Then, marry me, and I'll buy you a thousand mirrors."

Tori acted surprised. "But that's so many."

"My father's a billionaire. I can give you everything you've ever wanted. And, I'm very good looking."

"Um, yeah." I giggled at Tori's blatant dislike of Robbie's character. Or maybe it was Robbie.


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