Diddly Bops and Record Labels

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"Alright. Nice work, everyone," Sikowitz declared, dismissing the class. After the whole Rex fiasco as well as the puppet's resurrection courtesy of Tori, things around here went right back to normal. Well, normal for us anyway.

My friends and I were nearly out the door when Sikowitz announced, "Wait. Tori, Andre, Beck, (Y/N), Jade, Cat, Robbie. Stay for a moment."

Intrigued by his request, we turned around and walked back towards the stage. As we approached, I spotted a woman's purse clutched in Sikowitz's fingers. "Um... Why do you have a woman's purse?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"I don't have a pur-" Sikowitz cut himself off when he saw that he was in fact holding one. "Good God, where'd this come from? And where's my dozen bagels?"

Beck and I shared a look of confusion and slight concern for our teacher. "Can I leave?" Jade asked, voicing my thoughts. What was the purpose of this little gathering?

"Wait," Sikowitz ordered whilst still patting his body down for his bagels. Jade huffed and rolled her eyes. "How would you teenagers like to do something for money?" Sikowitz asked.

Thoughts swarmed in my head of all the implications of his question, both good and bad. "Right, that doesn't sound the least bit dangerous or illegal."

My friends nodded their heads in agreement as we all looked around at each other. "Can we have some details first?" Tori asked for everyone.

"Well, I assume you're all familiar with Kevin Chase."

"The guy who owns nearly half the hotels in Vegas?" I inquired.

"I'm telling the story!" Sikowitz demanded while stomping his barefoot like a child. I held my hands up in surrender and inched back into Beck's chest.

"Sorry," I muttered as Beck rested his hands on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

Sikowitz sighed and his mood brightened. "Kevin was my roommate in college, and now he's extremely wealthy, and his little boy is turning 4 years old this week. The big 0 four."

"What do you want, man?" Rex asked impatiently.

"Kevin hired the Waggafuffles to perform a song."

Cat's face lit up with excitement. "Oh, I love the Waggafuffles!" She exclaimed before starting to sing and dance. "Wagga Wagga Wagga wag your fuffle left and right. Wagga Wagga Wagga wag your fuffle day and night."

"Shut up," Rex demanded before she could start another verse. Cat's mouth fell agape in offense and she looked to Sikowitz to come to her defense.

"Rex told me to shut up."

"Yes," Sikowitz nodded. "Thank you, Rex." The red-head let out an audible gasp, and it was hard to hide my amused grin.

Having enough of this, Jade had reached into her purse and pulled out a dollar. "I'll give you this dollar to get to the point."

Sikowitz stepped down with a straight face. "I couldn't possibly take your money," he said seriously before snatching the dollar. Jade wore a triumphant smirk and retook her place beside me.

"Apparently, the Waggafuffles' private jet... crashed," Sikowitz explained, laughing awkwardly.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked incredulously. "That's tragic. Are they alright?"

"I- Um, you know- I don't know!"

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I'll have to look it up after this dreadfully long meeting. "Anyway, now, Kevin needs a new musical group to perform at his son's birthday party."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now