A Cheerleader and Her Puppy

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Hi! I love all the attention this story is getting. Don't be silent readers, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!

Just a head up (P/N) means pet name. Imagine Beck calling you a pet name that you'd like to be called. It could be something as simple and cute as sweetheart or something more personal for just you.





After the whole beach fiasco, it was hard to get my parents and Beck to stop fussing over every single move I made. But I finally convinced them that I was fine after I went to the doctor and he said the same thing. It was that much harder to get Beck to forgive himself. My parents and I did our best to reassure him, and he finally decided to try and put it all behind him. But I knew it would take time for him to be entirely over the hurdle. It was an excellent start at least.

On this particular evening, I was at home, playing/practicing on my violin. I loved the feeling that playing the violin gave me. I could dance and play, move around my room, and get lost in the music that much more. I'd make up tunes in my head that transferred to my strings or I played songs by famous artists.

I was in the middle of my violin rendition of Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley when Jade stormed into my room, fuming more than an active volcano ready to explode. My fiddling stopped abruptly at the sight of her. "Get your shoes on. We have to go," she demanded before I could utter a greeting.

As I set my violin down on the stand, I calmly said, "Well, hello to you too. How'd you get in? And what's got you all bent out of shape?"

"I picked the lock, duh. But that's not important. Beck is dog sitting for his neighbor," she replied as if that was the worst thing in the world. Her hands were on her hips and she could barely stand still, brimming with anger.

I stared at her, confused. "And that affects us how?"

"(Y/N)! His neighbor is a cheerleader," she exclaimed as she harshly grabbed my arm. "We have to go, now!"

Jade dragged me out of my room as I hastily fastened my shoes on my feet. I barely grabbed my purse off the hook as she was too focused on her mission. Why this was so upsetting for her, I had no idea. She practically threw me into the passenger seat of her car before getting in and driving to Beck's. I just sat quietly, scared to anger her any more, especially since she was already driving over the speed limit.

We made it to Beck's in record time. Before I even put my hand on the handle, Jade threw the door open and once again dragged me out. "Stop dragging me. It hurts."

"You're not taking this seriously!"

"Taking what seriously?" I asked incredulously. "Jade?"

She didn't answer as she rapped forcibly on Beck's door. "Open the door," she demanded.


"I'm busy working on a project!" Beck hollered back. I huffed and tried to free myself from Jade's grip. "Jade, I-"

"We need to talk to you," Jade yelled back.


"Sorry, the door's locked," Beck stated. That only fueled Jade's fire and she kicked the door in, busting the lock. "Jade!" I exclaimed as she dragged me into the RV.

"Now it's not locked," I heard Beck comment. Then, I heard someone ask if she had a key to which Beck responded with, "(Y/N) does. But Jade used her foot."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now