Foreign Countries and Foreign Prisons (Part 1)

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Hello, my beautiful readers! Great news! There will be two updates today!! Parts 1 and 2 of Locked Up will be posted.

Now, before we start, I should warn you. There are mentions of anxiety and panic attacks in the chapter.

Background: I don't like loud noises, I always have. Ever since I was little, I would always scare easily at any sudden noise around me. As I grew, and the people in my household became angrier, I associated loud sounds with anger, and it caused me to have panic attacks on multiple occasions. 

No one in my family really understands why this happens, and they yell at me when I cover my ears or shift uncomfortably in my chair because they see this as me being annoyed by their behavior and they get defensive. If you have anxiety, you know that when someone yells at you to stop or calm down, it only makes your panic attack worse.

I'm sorry if this chapter hits too close to home, but I really hope you enjoy the lighter parts that I wrote!

PS: (D/N) and (M/N) mean Dad and Mom's name.




After a long morning of classes, it was finally lunch time. Cat and I were walking together, hoping to get to the Asphalt Cafe before the rush. She was telling me how weird Robbie was acting at what was supposed to be my surprise party. She had a date for the party, but Robbie didn't believe her and accused her of lying on multiple occasions.

"He likes you, Kitty-Cat. And I can't very well blame him, you're an amazing girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you as a girlfriend. But it has to feel right to you."

She smiled and hugged my arm. "Thanks, (Y/N). Speaking of, how are you feeling after everything?"

"I'm alright. Beck helped calm me down and we just had a night in. The next morning, I finally called Tori back and talked to her. She apologized, and I forgave her as long as she never did something like that again."

"That seems fair," Cat agreed. "Oh, there's Tori and Andre now."

I looked at where Cat was pointing to and saw Tori and Andre by Festus's food truck. We smiled and walked over. "Hi," I greeted.

"What's for lunch?" Cat asked.

Tori mimicked Festus's accent as she reiterated, "Oh, he's got the spaghetti, the ravioli."

"Ravioli?" Cat excitedly asked.

"You let her finish!" Andre demanded in a funny accent. Cat and I giggled while I shook my head at their antics. Our happy moment was tarnished when Jade sauntered over, exhuming arrogance. I rolled my eyes, knowing where she was going with this.

"Oh, hey, I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm going away to Cancun with Beck, (Y/N), and her family for semester break and you guys have nothing fun to do."

"Jade," I groaned. She shrugged innocently and walked away. I gave my friends a sympathetic smile and relented, "Sorry about her."

Just then, Festus popped his head out of his truck and asked, "So you got nothing to do for semester break?"

"No," Tori replied while she and Andre took their lunches.

Festus nodded. "Come to the back of my truck."

Tori sent us a wary glance. "He wants you to go behind his truck," Cat said.

"I know."

I gave Tori a small wave as she slowly made her way to the back of the truck. Just as she left, Robbie appeared and greeted us. "Hi-hi. Ravioli?"

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now