Prom or Surprise Party

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Hello to all my beautiful readers! Here is another episode. Now, I cannot take credit for this idea. Thank you, GrapeJuice1011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"How are you?" Jade asked as we walked through the halls. My mood was sullen as it was every year around this time. It would be my birthday this weekend, but ever since... I just wasn't in the mood to celebrate. Jade understood why I was the way I was, and so did Beck, but he wasn't in school today, auditioning for a movie.

I sighed and linked my arm with Jade's. "I'm as good as I can be. Thanks for looking out."


We shared a small smile as we neared the corner on the way to my locker. My brows furrowed when we saw Tori and Cat peeking around at something. Jade and I slowly walked past the corner and our eyes immediately caught onto what they were seeing. Andre was making out with a pretty girl, and they were going at it hard.

"Okay, is Andre trying to swallow that girl?" Jade asked.

Cat's eyes never left the scene as she flapped her hand at us. "No, I think they're just kissing."

Jade and I shared a deadpanned look before giving the back of Cat's head the same look. "Here he comes. Here he comes," Tori said quickly as Andre sauntered over to us. "Don't let him know we were watching him."

We stood nonchalantly in a small circle as Andre approached. "What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing," Jade and I chimed.

"Just hanging, you know," Tori added.

"We were not watching you kiss that girl," Cat tried. I huffed and bowed my head.

"Cat," Tori groaned.

Andre gave us a reassuring smile. "It's alright. I hope you all enjoyed the show."

Suddenly my phone chimed and I looked down at the screen. "It's my mum."

"Is she asking about the party?" Jade asked.

I sighed. "Yeah."

"What party?" Tori asked. She looked around and saw all her friends looking anywhere but at her. They knew what time of year it was, and while they didn't know the exact reason, they knew I didn't like my birthday. "Guys?"

I sighed and texted my mom back, telling her to forget it, and I said the same to my friends. "It's nothing. I gotta go."


(Third Person POV)

After (Y/N) left to call her mom, Tori glanced around at her friends in confusion. She opened her locker and asked, "What was that about?"

Andre and Cat looked to Jade, but the dark-haired teen subtly shook her head, telling them to keep quiet. "Guys? Someone talk to me."

Jade groaned and rolled her eyes. "Ugh, okay, this weekend is (Y/N)'s birthday."

"Oh, my gosh! That's so exciting! We should totally-"

"No!" Jade sternly interjected.

"What? Why?"

Andre shrugged. "It's a known fact that (Y/N) doesn't like her birthday."

"As long as we've known her, we've never thrown her a party," Cat added. "She never even brings attention to it."

Tori's confusion only grew. "Why?"

"Jade?" Andre prompted.

"It's not my story to tell. And (Y/N) doesn't like talking about it. Just drop it," Jade ordered before stamping after her friend. The remaining three stood and watched her leave. As Tori closed her locker, her bewilderment didn't leave her. She, Andre, and Cat walked towards the main hallway in silence only to be met by Rob and Rex.

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