Cupcakes, Jammies, and Terror

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"I don't want to argue with you! I just want us to be happy!" Tori exclaimed. She and Andre were on the stage, performing a scene with large, metal buckets on their heads. We were all in Sikowitz's class, and as usual, his methods were unorthodox. He hadn't given us a reason as to why they had to wear buckets, but there was no point in arguing. Beck and I sat close together, my back resting against his chest while he hugged me. While it was unnecessary, the scene was really amusing.

"What'd she say?" Andre asked.

"What'd he say?"

"Huh? I can't hear."


I giggled, hiding my mouth behind my hand. The whole class reacted the same way as Sikowitz approached the stage with his own smile.

"Okay, okay... take 'em off," he instructed as he helped Tori with her bucket. Addressing everyone, he asked, "See? Not so easy to perform a scene when you have a bucket on your head, is it?"

"No," Tori replied.

"It's difficult," Andre added.

Sikowitz nodded and took the buckets and scripts as he said, "Yes. Well... class dismissed."

My brows furrowed, sparing a glance down to my watch. "We have more time left," I stated.

"We do?" The class nodded. "How much?"

"Fifty-five minutes," Jade deadpanned.

"Oh," Sikowitz mumbled before remembering something. "Oh! Well, actually, I do have something I need to discuss with some of you. Tori, Cat, Andre, Robbie, Jade, (Y/N), Beck... please stay. The rest of you may wander the halls."

After Sikowitz opened the main door to the classroom, everyone besides our friend group fled the room. "Enjoy your day. Thanks for coming, I'm here all week. Tip your nurses and clowns," he rambled as each student passed him.

Then he closed the door and went back onto the stage. "Why did you make them leave?" Cat asked.

"Ah, I dunno. They never talk."

Tori nodded. "Yeah, they just sit there and react."

We all agreed while Sikowitz created different facial expressions, ranging from astonished to scared to nervous to excited.

"So, what can we help you with?" I asked.

A broad smile adorned Sikowitz's face as he asked, "Who likes parades?"

He raised his hand like an excited child and looked around the room. "Antonio Banderas," Robbie inputted.

"Hillbillies," Rex added.

"No one," Jade deadpanned.

Sikowitz pouted. "Oh c'mon. Parades are fun."

"One time my brother was in a parade, but he was inappropriate, so the parade people called the police and now he's not allowed to be in parades," Cat stated. "Or be near horses."

My face contorted into one of disgust as a shiver ran up my spine. Beck's face mirrored my own, and we were both at a loss for words.

Annoyed by Cat's anecdotes, Jade pulled her keys from her purse, wanting to distract the innocent girl. "Play with the pretty keys."

"Kay-kay!" Cat exclaimed excitedly. In all her childlike glory, Cat shook the keys, giggling at the pleasing bell-like sound.

Moving on, Sikowitz sat on the stage steps and continued to discuss parades with us. "So... you all know about the woman I've been dating. Felicia?"

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now