Beck's Chance and Emotional Journey

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Okay, first of all, 1K VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I jumped out of my seat and screamed when I saw. My mom thought there was a fire.

Thank you all so much for taking a chance on my story! I love writing it, and it feels me with joy that it's paying off!

Second order of business: Look at the hottie in his uniform!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, my heart! 

Enjoy the next chapter, and I can't wait to hear what you think!




The sun was shining. There was a nice cool breeze cutting through the humid Los Angeles air. It would be a beautiful day if it weren't for all the bloody bees buzzing around. They were everywhere as if all the students were giant flowers. But since bees were relatively smart, one had to wonder if there was a nest nearby and the bees felt that the students were threatening their territory. Lots of people had already gotten stung- Jade included. I felt bad for her, but my heart went out more to those who were allergic.

Beck, Jade, and I were currently sitting at our lunch table. Jade was using her lips to nurse the spot where the bee stung her. I took an ice cube out of my water and wrapped it in a napkin, wanting to help alleviate her pain. But when I gently grasped her wrist to pull her hand away from her mouth, she pulled away and swatted at me. While I got the message, I didn't think her reaction to my assistance was fair. When she hit me I let out a small sound of shock, which caused Beck to look up from the script he was reading. His dark brows furrowed in concern, and he was about to defend me to Jade, but I gestured for him to leave her be, that my feelings weren't hurt. His eyes didn't leave mine, but I sent him a reassuring smile. That did the trick, and he went back to reading his script.

Not even a minute later, I caught Tori and Andre coming our way. "Hey, guys!" I cheered with a small wave.

They waved back and walked closer as Beck's head popped up, he smiled and offered, "Hey, sit."

"Thanks," Tori said as she sat next to Jade, setting her food down. Andre and Beck bumped fists. And I smiled at their interaction. But Jade wasn't happy in the least.

"I don't want them sitting here," she deadpanned. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her grouchy mood.

As Tori settled into her seat she retorted, "Y'know, it's great that you're so open with your bitterness."

"She's just in a sour mood because she got stung by a bee," I stated, sending Jade a pointed look to perk up a bit. There was no reason to be mean to our friends. She sent me a sarcastic look back while she continued to suck on her wound.

"See that?" Andre asked no one in particular. But he was awfully upset. "Everybody but me. C'mon, bees. What's a guy gotta do to get stung?!"

I held up my hand towards him, drawing his attention. "Wait, hold on. You want to be stung? What on earth for?"

"Don't ask," Tori interjected before Andre could explain his life story. I held up my hands in mock-surrender and leaned back, returning to my lunch.

But my head perked back up when Tori reached across me and chimed, "Ooh, script pages?"

She grabbed at Beck's script, and before I could take them back and chastise her, Beck beat me to it. "Ah, ah. Not for you," he stated as he took them back. I wanted so bad to say something to her about grabbing other people's things, but Beck had it handled, and I didn't want to step on his toes.

Although, Tori wasn't the least bit phased as she asked, "You auditioning for a play?"

"Sort of. It's a movie."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now