Wonky Crushes

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Few notes: (F/O)= Favorite Outfit

(N/N)= Nickname

I hope you enjoy it!!!


"Okaaaay..." Beck drew out. He was taking photos for a class, and he somehow convinced me to be his model. "F-stop at two-point-eight... and focus..."

I posed with a bright smile, ready for him to take the shot when Cat suddenly and literally bounced in front of me just as the camera shuttered. "Oh, hello," I muttered.

"Hiiiii!" Cat sang before laughing her distinctly adorable laugh.

"Hi," Beck deadpanned.

I walked around to stand next to Beck as Cat exclaimed, "I'm wearing Jupiter Boots!"

"Any reason, love?" I asked.

She giggled. "So I can be bouncy!"

"Ah, makes sense," Beck commented.

"Byeeee!" She sang as she bounced away. Beck and I shared a strange look.

"I love her view on the world," I stated.

Beck nodded. "She keeps life interesting."


He gestured with his camera for me to get back into place and my shoulders slumped. He smiled and assured, "Just a few more shots."

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my brows, challenging him. "You look gorgeous," he stated.

I didn't answer, popping my hip, and Beck's smile widened. "I love you."

Despite my efforts, a smile slipped over my lips, and I stood back in front of the camera, posing for the camera. "I love you too," I said softly.

When Beck was finally finished taking different pictures from various angles and focuses, he put his camera away and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his side and walked towards Beck's locker to put his camera away. As I waited against the lockers, Andre came around the corner with his usual swagger and smile.

"Hey, guys," he greeted us.

I smiled. "Hey, Andre."

"Hi," Beck replied while standing up, draping his arm over my shoulder.

"How's the song coming?" I asked.

"Uh, that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about," Andre said, "See, Tori was gonna help me with the lyrics, but she has to take the Tech Theater Exam and she's crammin'. (Y/N), would you help me?"

My smile widened and I nodded. "That sounds like fun! I'm in!"

"Sweet! Tomorrow after school?"

"I'm there."


(Third Person POV)

"Hey, man," Beck greeted as he walked into the studio room.

Andre was setting up all the equipment and he replied, "Oh, hey."

"(Y/N)'s not here yet?"

"No, she texted and said that she was dealing with Jade," Andre explained, "Something about Sinjin sittin' on her new pair of scissors."

Beck winced, knowing how hazardous one of Jade's moods could be. But (Y/N) always seemed to be able to handle the situation. He picked up fidget spheres and started twirling them around with his fingers.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now