Puppet's Death and His Resurrection

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After the whole Karaoke Dokie fiasco, Beck and I grew closer and learned to appreciate one another that much more. He'd considered my feelings, so whenever a girl became too comfortable with him, he would tell them he was in a relationship. And I did the same whenever a guy got too flirtatious with me. I couldn't be happier.

"How's your eggplant?" I asked Beck while twirling my fork. We were performing a small scene, pretending to be a married couple that tended to fight over the littlest things. It made me appreciate the relationship Beck and I possessed that much more.

"It's fine. How's your spaghetti?"

I threw down my fork in a fit of anger. "I hate you." God, those words were poison in my mouth. But I had to refrain from breaking character.


"I'm not having spaghetti! I'm having spaghettini!"

"What's the difference?" Beck raised his voice.

I huffed. "Spaghettini is a very thin noodle. Spaghetti is a relatively fat noodle! We've been over this!"

"I forgot!"

Throwing my hands up in exasperation. I exclaimed, "I mean, why did we even take a pasta class together?"

Beck was ready to retaliate, pointing a stern finger at me for emphasis when Sikowitz declared, "And done."

"We're done?" Beck asked, confused.

I slumped in my chair and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. That was torture. If I ever start an argument with you over pasta, you have my permission to break up with me."

Beck chuckled as did the rest of the class. "No," Sikowitz interjected, holding a glass jar that looked to be filled with some type of cream. "I meant this is done."

"What is that?" I asked.

"Well, it was a jar full of cream, but now that I've shaken it vigorously for an hour, it's butter."

My confusion didn't dissipate. "You make your own butter?"


"Is it good?" Robbie asked.

"I don't know. I refuse to eat dairy," he explained while dropping the full jar into the trash bin. I was so confused, my perfectly separated eyebrows could be classified as a unibrow. "(Y/N), Beck, take your seats."

As Beck followed me to our seats, he asked, "If he doesn't eat dairy, why would he-"

"I haven't the foggiest idea, love. I understand that man less and less every day."

We sat down and Beck instinctively draped his arm over my shoulders. "Alright, for the last few minutes of class, let's talk about the one-act play I'm directing," Sikowitz announced while staring around the room. We looked at him expectantly, but he didn't utter another word.

"Well?" Andre prompted.

Sikowitz looked at him, genuinely lost. "Well what?"

"You wanna talk about the one-act play you're directing?"

Sikowitz sighed, "Alright."

Andre sent a confused look back to us, but we could only shrug in response. "First of all, I wanna thank you all for auditioning," Sikowitz stated, "The two lead roles will be played by..."

We all stomped our feet, mimicking a drum roll. "Andre and Robbie."

"Cool," Andre said.

"Hot beef," Robbie shouted. My nose wrinkled in both disgust and confusion.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now