Heat Wave and Beach Day

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Is it hot in here, or is it just your SMOKING HOT BF! Perfection!

You can stare at the picture as long as you'd like- I know I will ;)- but when you're done enjoy the next chapter, my beautiful, badass readers!




"Oh my God!" Robbie, Beck, and I were sitting at our lunch table. But it was hard to enjoy it because it was so unbearably hot outside. A giant heatwave was blazing through LA. "I am so hot!" Tori finished. I was hot too, but unlike Tori, I had my (H/L), (H/C) in a ponytail, off my neck. (If you have short hair, then you're golden!)

"Ain't that the truth," Rex said flirtatiously. Tori sent me a disgusted look.

"Robbie," I groaned, "Control that. It's disgusting."

Focusing more on the heat, Beck asked, " What's the temperature now?"

"Well," Robbie started, pulling out his large pear pad. "According to my pear pad..." We all groaned at how dorky he was. "Here in Hollywood, it is 103 degrees." Cue more groaning.

"Man, I hate sweating," Beck said.

"I know. My arms feel like warm, wet ham," Tori said, squeezing her arm. I cringed while Beck found it amusing.

Cat came up to us and moved things, so she could sit. "Hi," she cheered. "I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood."

Then, Jade sat down in between Beck and Tori. "Robbie, you done with that water?"

"No," he replied, holding his bottle to his chest protectively.

"Give it to me," she demanded. Robbie immediately gave in and Jade took a sip thirstily. I watched with curiosity as Tori leaned in close to Jade as if inspecting her face. "What?" Jade asked.

"You're not sweating," Tori stated and began touching Jade's arms, neck, and face. "Havin' fun there?" Jade asked.

Moving away from Jade, Tori asked, "How can you not be sweating?"

"I don't sweat."

"Everyone sweats."

I nodded, showing Tori that she would be right. "Normally, I'd agree with you, but..."

"Not Jade," Cat admitted, finishing my thought.

"Jade never sweats," Beck added.

Tori looked at all of us exasperated. "What do you mean, she never sweats?"

"Sweating is gross, so I don't do it," Jade said for herself. (Teach me how!)

"So, what, you're just like cold-blooded?"

"Jade? Cold-blooded? Hmmm, what a surprise," Rex joked. I rolled my eyes, knowing Rex was about to get it. Jade took a bottle of sunscreen out and squirted it in Rex's eye.

"Ah! That witch got sunscreen in my eyes. Help me, Rob." Robbie went to work, wiping away the sunscreen with a cloth.

After the sunscreen was off, Robbie soothed, "There you go."

"Oh, no my face is gonna tan unevenly," Rex complained. I sent Beck a confused look and I was met with the same look in return.

Before we could comment on it, Andre strolled up to the table, fanning himself with a wad of cash. "What's up amigos, amigirls?"

I smiled at his fun personality. "What's the money for?" I asked.

"Me. I set up a kiddie pool over there and I'm chargin' people five bucks for five minutes."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now