Ice Cream and Ke$ha

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Beck and I were at my house, in the den. He was studying for an upcoming test, which gave me the perfect excuse to play my violin. See, Beck studied best when there was soft music playing. He often put on Mozart or Bach, saying that it helped stimulate his brain. While I respected their artistry and talent, I found most of their scores to be kind of depressing. So, I was playing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. It was my favorite ballet, and I absolutely loved the music. It was so whimsical and beautiful and uplifting. I found that it helped me concentrate a lot when I was merely listening to it, not playing. But when I was playing it, it was hard not to get swept up in the magic of it all.

"You're distracting me," Beck said through the notes. I glanced over at him as I swayed to the music. His concentrated gaze was glued to the words in his textbook.

I continued to play and asked, "Whatever do you mean?"

"How am I supposed to study when you're dancing around the room?" He asked, somewhat jokingly. "You're so beautiful, I can't help but stare."

My brows furrowed and I ceased my fiddling. "We've done this before, love. Why are you just telling me now? Is it safe to assume that this isn't the first time you've felt so?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt your feelings; I know how much you love playing, especially Swan Lake. But when you play, all I want to do is watch, which I can't do if I'm studying."

I couldn't help but smile and blush at his explanation. "Alright. Thank you for your honesty. And for your sweet words. I'll leave you to it," I said while placing my violin back in the case. "Are you hungry?"

"Do you have any apples?"

"Yeah, be right back."

As I went into the kitchen, I vaguely heard my ringtone. "It's Tori," Beck called after me.

"You can answer it, see what she wants."

"(Y/N)'s phone, Beck speaking," I heard him say. There was silence as Tori spoke on the other end. "She's in the kitchen, what's up?"

After grabbing an apple from the fridge for Beck, I walked back into the den, nodding at Beck to put the phone on speaker.

"... Get Jade too," came Tori's frantic voice.

"What for?" I asked.

"Sure, now you come back," Tori said sarcastically. "Beck explain, please. I gotta go."

With an abrupt click, Tori was gone, and I stood there confused by the whole exchange. Handing Beck his apple, I asked, "What was that about?"

"Remember when I was telling you about that ice cream contest? The one with Ke$ha?"

I nodded, prompting him to continue. "Apparently, Tori wants everyone to help her win the contest, so she can stop being Trina's assistant. She said we could all come to the concert if we helped."

"I'm in, but I'm not eating all that ice cream," I stated.

"Noted. So, you calling Jade?"

I scoffed. "You really think Jade is going to want to help Tori."

"Tori said that if Jade didn't help, then she couldn't come to the concert, and Jade loves Ke$ha, so it could work."

"Alright, I'll give it a try."

It was surprisingly easy to get Jade on board. I seriously underestimated the girl's love for Ke$ha. The following night, we were all scattered around Tori's house, dumping pints of ice cream into large bins to get to the letter at the bottom of the pint. The goal was to spell out Ke$ha. If or when we did, we would get a free, private concert from the pop star. I didn't want to get my hopes up on this whole endeavor, especially with how it was going so far.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now