Anniversaries and Sweet Revenge

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Hello! On this day in 2010 Victorious premiered. So, to celebrate, I give you the first episode of Season 2! 

So, Wattpad sucks and it took longer than intended for me to post this. I was nearly done when it crapped out.

I've got a special surprise for you! 

(F/D)= Favorite Dessert

(F/C)= Favorite Color

(F/B)= Favorite Beverage

Read, enjoy!






"Are you excited for your first Full Moon Jam?" I asked Tori. We were standing at our lockers, switching out books.

She sent me a smile. "I am. Gotta figure out what song to do, though."

"You'll find the perfect song, I'm sure."

"Yeah, but there's so much pressure. My performance is ⅓ of my grade."

Closing my locker, I offered, "Don't fret too much. You always do so well. It'll all come together."

"Thanks," she sighed in relief. "After just being treated as the last slice of pizza, it's nice to hear."

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone wanted to be my partner. It made me feel used."

"Well, I'm proud of you for standing your ground," I commented.

"Thanks, (Y/N), again."


We shared a smile, and Tori was just about done with her locker. "Tori," a male's voice called, and Ryder Daniels sauntered in between Tori and me, his back to me. I silently scoffed, and walked around him to stand next to Tori, protectively.

Tori smiled at the dark-haired boy and breathed, "Oh, hi."

"Ryder," the boy said.

"I know your name... Ryder."

Ryder's blue eyes flickered from me to Tori as I watched him cautiously- he had a reputation. "So, I was wondering if maybe you-"

"Look," Tori sighed dejectedly. "I really can't sing a duet with you."

He smiled, slightly taken aback. "No, that's not what I was gonna ask you."

"It's not?"

"I was gonna see if maybe you wanted to, you know, go out, or I should probably just..."

He trailed off and started to walk away, but Tori was quick to intervene. "No! Wait!" She exclaimed while grabbing his bicep. "I'd love to go out sometime, and, wow, your arm is hard."

I had to refrain from gagging. "Thanks," Ryder replied. "So we'll grab sushi or something."

"Yes!" Tori eagerly exclaimed. Then, she cleared her throat, settling down, and added, "I mean, yes. Yes, I want to do that."

They shared a smile, and an anxious feeling settled into my gut. Something didn't feel right. Ryder had never shown interest in Tori, and word got around. Ryder didn't have the best track record when it came to girls. Wanting to get away from the boy as fast as possible, I stepped forward, grasping Tori's arm. "Come on, we have class."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now