New Boyfriend and Pooka Fish

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Hi, lovelies!

I can't believe all the wonderful attention this story is getting! Just a heads up, (F/O) means favorite outfit! As always, thanks for reading!




Beck, Jade, and I were walking through the halls towards the main corridor. I had my hand linked with Beck's as Jade walked on my other side. Jade and I were talking about different outfit ideas for the Kickback that was coming up while Beck listened patiently. Jade even asked if I wanted to do her makeup, which I gladly accepted despite believing she always did a wonderful job.

When we arrived, my eyes immediately went to Tori who was talking to a boy I'd never seen before. "Hey, Tor," I greeted as the three of us walked up to the pair. They seemed to know each other, but there was a definite awkward air about them.

"Hey, guys," she greeted back after looking over her shoulder.

Jade's eyes were glued to the stranger. "So, who's that?"

"Uh, this is Danny," Tori replied.

Danny waved at us and said, "Hey."

I waved back. "Hello."

"What's up?" Beck added.

Jade's eyes still hadn't left Danny, and a misleading friendly smile adorned her face. It was easy to tell that she was fishing for something. "Why you talking to Tori?"

"He goes to my old school," Tori answered.

Danny nodded. "Sherwood."

"He... He was my boyfriend."

"Girlfriend," Danny finished, pointing at Tori.

The smile on Jade's face grew into a devilish grin. "So, why'd you dump her?"

"Jade," Beck and I warned.

But she ignored us and continued with her interrogation, stalking closer to the poor pair. "Can I guess? 'Cause I got a lot of guesses."

I rolled my eyes and exasperatedly laid my head on Beck's shoulder. "I, uh- Actually-"

"You don't have to," Tori interrupted Danny's stammering.

"Tori broke up with me," Danny admitted, making Jade's point null and void.

But she wasn't ready to give up. "Oh," she chimed. "And how did you celebrate?"

"Do you ever take a day off?" Tori asked incredulously.

I took the chance to step forward. "No, she doesn't. But she ought to," I said pointedly.

Jade merely shrugged, having no shame in her tactless remarks. "So, what are you doing here?" Beck asked, moving away from the palpable awkwardness that Jade created.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" Tori mimicked just as curious, if not, more so.

"Well, I've kind of been dating this girl that goes here. And I was supposed to meet her-"

A very familiar squeal echoed around the halls. "Daniel!" Cat exclaimed as she bounded down the steps.

"Hey, babe," Daniel replied happily as he caught her and spun her around while they kissed. Jade's jaw hit the floor as she looked on happily, loving how much Tori was surely dying inside. Beck and I shared a look, knowing that this could either go really good or really bad.

After Cat and Danny parted from their kiss, they still clung to each other and Cat looked at us with excitement written all over her. "This is the guy I've been telling you about. My boyfriend," Cat introduced while poking his stomach affectionately. We just looked on with slight intrigue, hoping to convince Cat that nothing was amiss.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now