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Hello, my beautiful badass readers! I'm writing to you because I felt you needed a quick glimpse into the next chapter. I wanted to give an advanced warning because what I'm writing for Tori Gets Stuck is deeply personal for me.

As you know, Beck is not in this episode. We're never really given a clear reason, so I gave him one. Alright, here it goes... I have a heart murmur. My family doctor heard it during a regular check-up when I was 11. I'll be 22 in a month, and I've been going to the Cardiologist ever since he first found it. My yearly appointment is coming up in two weeks, and I am insanely nervous. At my last exam, the doctor said she saw something that concerned her, but she wasn't sure what to make of it. While my murmur has never affected me throughout all my years of softball, soccer, and exercise, it isn't something I like to talk about. It makes it all too real that there's something wrong with me. Of course, my family knows and my friends. But they don't know the details like my mom and me. I refuse to tell them because I don't want to worry them.

Essentially, having the murmur means there's a hole in my heart. It's small, but when we first discovered the defect, the flaps between my chambers were sticking, which made the situation a bit worse. Again, this never affected me. It was just something that we had to monitor. Over the years, the flaps stopped sticking and I only had the hole to deal with, which would hopefully heal itself with time. I've never been as worried as I am now. 

So, when I put the next chapter out, be as kind as you always are. I love hearing all your comments and appreciation because it means that I made the right choice in sharing my work. Writing is my outlet. Writing gives me an escape from the explosive home life. In this case, writing will be my escape from my rising anxieties. I've never really disclosed to anyone how I feel when I'm waiting for my exam to begin. How I feel vulnerable because at any second the doctor could turn around and say that my condition worsened. So, please, be kind.

That is all for now. I love you all.



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