Method Acting and Babysitting

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This is the last chapter!!!!!!!! 

Haha! Just kidding! 

This is the last chapter of Season 1! 

(Y/F/M) means (your favorite movie)!





Today was a brand new day. My friends and I were in Sikowitz's class, learning about method acting. Tori and Andre were on stage, working through a scene. Andre was playing a surgeon and Tori was his frightened and anxious patient.

"Listen," Andre gently said. But Tori was crying inconsolably. "Ms. Travis, listen to me."

"What?" Tori cried.

"This is a simple surgery. I've done this operation hundreds of times. You'll be fine."

Another sob racked Tori's body before she animatedly exclaimed, "But what if I'm not fine? What if I die on that operating table? I have three-"

Sikowitz had snuck onto the stage and stood behind the two friends. "Uh-huh," he hummed.

"I have three-" Tori tried again.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh."

Tori spared Sikowitz a fleeting glance. "I have three children," she finally exclaimed,

"Oh, I'm sorry, kids. Excuse me," Sikowitz muttered as he wedged himself in between Tori and Andre. "I don't mean to interrupt, but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this index card."

Tori was intensely staring at the card when Sikowitz lunged forward and shouted, "Boo!"

"Ahhh!" She screamed while falling to the floor. "Sikowitz! You scared the fudge out of me!"

"Why did you stop crying?" Sikowitz asked, uncaring.


"You were playing the role of a crying woman who's just been told she's going to have surgery," Sikowitz explained as he crouched next to Tori. "Why did you break character?"

"'Cuz you interrupted our scene and screamed boo in my face!" Tori exasperatedly replied. Andre looked at Sikowitz incredulously while the rest of us looked on in confusion.

Sikowitz sighed and helped Tori up. "Tori and Andre, take your seats."

As Tori and Andre reclaimed their seats, Sikowitz stated, "I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting, and that means whatever character you're playing, you must stay in that character, the entire time, on stage or off stage, you've got to understand that-"

The bell rang, cutting off Sikowitz's speech. "Until tomorrow."

Everyone quickly filed out of the room. As we were about to leave, we turned back to see Sikowitz sitting on the stage with his eyes closed, breathing deeply. Sharing a look, we gathered around.

"Look, I'm sorry we disappointed you," Tori huffed.

"Yeah," Robbie agreed. "It's just that we think method acting is kinda dumb."

I huffed, rolling my eyes. "Speak for yourself."

"Well, of course, you think method acting is dumb. It's too challenging for you," Sikowitz taunted. We all shared confused glances before looking back at Sikowitz.

"I'm not sure that's the issue," I replied for all of us.

"Staying in character no matter what happens is something only true, professional actors can pull off. Sometimes I forget you're all just children. Amateurs."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now