Christmas in June

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"You poor thing," I cooed while rubbing Beck's back. Christmas was steadily approaching, and while I found myself getting into the spirit, Beck was too tired to join me. A cricket had entered his R.V. a few days ago and continuously chirped throughout the night, keeping Beck awake. He hadn't gotten a good night's rest in days. He barely had the energy to stand for himself. As we meandered to class, I held up a portion of Beck's weight as he dozed on and off, trusting me to get him to class.

When we got to Sikowitz's class, most of our friends were already there, and the class was decked out in an array of Christmas decorations from lights to tinsel. Robbie was wearing a Santa Claus costume, which confused me. I thought he was Jewish.

Jade was already seated in the front, and Sikowitz was saying, "Now Jade, don't be a Christmas grunch."

I thought it was Grinch.

Oh well. 

Rex laughed as Jade scowled. "Grunch. That's my word."

I guided Beck into a chair in the front of the class and sat next to him. He laid his head on my shoulder and started to doze off, playing with the ends of my hair.

He jolted awake while I nearly jumped out of my chair when Tori and Andre barged into the class yelling over each other. I couldn't make most of it out, but my eyes widened when I heard Andre exclaim, "I don't care, I'm just gonna give up music!"

Then he yelled at Tori to forget about it before slumping into a chair in the row behind us. Tori followed his lead with a defeated expression on her face.

Robbie turned around and happily chimed, "Ho ho ho and jingle bells!"

Obviously, Andre wasn't in the mood, but his face contorted from agitation to anger as he charged forward and pulled Robbie's chair out from under him. Tori tried to talk him down, but Andre was too fired up and in a matter of seconds Robbie was a red and white heap on the floor.

"Ah, ya did it," Tori sighed in defeat.

Jade snorted. "I bet that jingled his bells."

Cat and I giggled as Beck laid his head back on my shoulder.

Robbie pouted and sat in a chair by the window as Andre slumped back in his chair. "I'm sorry but all of y'all can just keep your Christmas spirit to yourselves."

"Andre?" Sikowitz asked, "You got a beef with Christmas."

Cat gasped, "I love Christmas beef! Every year, my brother steals a chuck roast and then rubs it with-"

"Cat!" Jade shouted.

Beck jolted awake again and moaned. "Hey. Hey. You woke me up."

Sikowitz feigned sympathy while fixing the downed chair. "Ooh sorry, Beck. Certainly wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class."

"Thanks. You're the best," Beck replied before laying back on my shoulder. Sikowitz glanced at me and I gave him a sheepish smile and a shrug with my free shoulder.

Then he moved on- mostly.

"Before I get my 'teach on'... Andre, why the sour puss?"

"Yeah," Rex echoed, "Why the sour puss?"

Andre huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Andre wrote a Christmas song for his creative music class..."

"Ahhh," Andre wailed in distress. Tori sighed and walked behind him, playing with his hair to calm him down.

"And it was a really great song... But his teacher gave him..."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now