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"Don't you guys want to know what that is?" Cat asked after placing a large machine in the middle of our lunch table. Andre, Tori, Beck, myself, and Jade were sitting, eating lunch when Cat showed up. We had only spared her device a glance before going back to our lunches.

Jade, irritated by the constant interruptions, said, "Is it a transporter from the future that can beam you to another table? 'Cause if it is, what button do I push?"

"Jade..." I groaned.

"That's so mean," Cat defended herself as she sat in between Andre and Tori.

Tori looked over at Jade. "You know, you don't always have to be mean to everyone."

"See, Tori's interested in my device," Cat said excitedly.

"I'm really not," Tori deadpanned.

Andre wrapped his arm around Cat's shoulder encouragingly. "Aw, c'mon, Little Red, tell us about your doo-hickey."

Perking up, Cat proudly gestured to her machine. "Okay, it's called: The Snowbee. Watch." She pressed a button and white flakes flowed out of the top, landing on us and our food. Almost immediately, Jade reached across and turned it off.

"It makes pretend snow," Cat exclaimed.

I nodded, shaking some of the 'snow' out of my hair. "I see that."

"It's all over my tostada," Beck said dejectedly.

Tori held up her lunch. "And my pizza." They were right. I couldn't tell what was 'snow' and what was parmesan cheese in my salad.

"Well, do not eat it," Cat warned.

Jade was shaking 'snow' out of her hair when she asked, "Why?"

"'Cause, it says the fake snow is toxic and can cause abdominal bleeding." We closed our containers and pushed our lunches to the middle, causing more snow to fly. Then, I worked on getting the fake snow out of my hair. I clearly wasn't doing a good job because Beck started helping. Giving up, I worked on clearing his hair.

"So, what made you buy a machine that poisons people's lunches?" Tori asked.

Cat pulled a magazine out of her bag. "This catalog!"

"Sky Store?" Beck asked after giving up on getting rid of the fake snow. I had given up too.

"Yeah," she clarified. "I went to visit my uncle and uncle this weekend in San Francisco, and they had these on the plane." She opened the book and began to flip through the pages. "It's like filled with all kinds of cool stuff you can buy. Oh, like this: It's a Tree Face," she said, showing us her discovery. "You put it on your tree to give it a face."

"What if you don't have a tree?" Tori asked.

"It also works on bushes."

I had a bad feeling about this Sky Store thing. Cat was getting overly excited about frivolous, useless things. Looking at Tori, I said, "Don't encourage it."

She nonchalantly held up her hands in surrender and offered a shrug. I rolled my eyes and went back to trying to get the fake snow out of Beck's dark locks. There was nothing else to do, and it was a good excuse for carding my fingers through his soft hair.

"Unbelievable," a new voice shouted. Robbie stormed up to the table seemingly out of nowhere. "You guys have no idea how upset I am about-

"It snowed? In Los Angeles?!" Robbie exclaimed, interrupting himself after seeing the results of Cat's machine.

"I told you global warming was bogus," Rex interjected.

Robbie shook his head. "Stop watching Fox News."

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now