Faux Fight and Black Eye

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The Black Box theatre. My favorite place in the whole school. It was where all of our plays were performed, but I often came here to think and collect myself. Its peaceful and serene environment was perfect.

It was usually quiet anyway, but I could've sworn I heard yelling from inside. I knew Beck was in there working with Russ on his stage fighting techniques. But why was I hearing high-pitched screams?

Barging into the room, I saw Tori on Russ's back, screaming at the top of her lungs. Beck was on the ground, looking up in awe and horror.

"Get off me! Who is this chick?!" Russ yelled over Tori's insistent screams. Dropping my bag, I ran over to try and help. But before I could get too close, Beck wrapped an arm around my waist, stopping me from going any further.

"I won't let you get hurt," he said close to my ear so I could hear him properly. I only nodded, unable to form a proper response as we watched the scene unfold. Russ still couldn't shake Tori off.

Then, our teacher arrived and began to pull Tori off. "Relax, relax, relax," he shouted over her screams.

"Beck, help him. She's going to hurt Russ," I pleaded. Beck nodded and left me to help our teacher. "Yo, come on!" Beck yelled as he forcibly pulled Tori off. She was immensely out of breath and poor Russ seemed as if he was in pain. The other students had entered the room and gathered around us, waiting for an explanation.

"What are you doing?" Our teacher asked once everything settled a bit.

Tori gestured to Russ. "That guy was beating up Beck."

"Oh, you poor thing," Jade chimed.

I groaned, "Tori... you misunderstand."

"We were practicing," Beck clarified.

"This is Russ," our teacher introduced. I already knew him from when Beck introduced us a while back.

"I'm Russ." The teacher held him back, trying to calm him down. After Russ backed down, the teacher continued, "He's a professional stuntman. I invited him here to teach a class about stage fighting."

"And now, Tori says, 'What's stage fighting?'" Jade joked, mocking Tori in a strange voice.

I rolled my eyes at Jade's remark. Tori was new to the different forms of acting. "I wasn't going to say that," Tori defended. But then, she went and asked Andre and he told her. I looked at Jade's smug smile and demanded, "Stop. You're making yourself look like an arse. Play nice."

When Tori returned to the main conversation, Beck informed, "I took a class with him last summer."

"Well, it looked like he was hurting you."

"That's the point, darling," I reassured. "But no harm was done. You know until you jumped in- literally." Beck chuckled, making me do the same. Tori just gave me a deadpanned look.

"Why do you care anyway?" Jade asked.

Having enough of Jade's remarks, Tori clapped back with, "'Cause I figured he already suffers enough pain being related to you."

"You wanna see pain?" Jade went to lunge at Tori, but Beck and I held her back. "Hey, why don't we go sit over there?" Beck asked, diffusing the situation.

I let Beck handle Jade and stayed near Tori and Andre. "Why does she hate me?" Tori asked. I merely shrugged, unable to give a definitive answer. I didn't really know myself.

"Maybe she heard you play the French Horn," Andre offered jokingly.

"What? Wait, that was you? Blimey, I thought a baby elephant was hurt or something," I said through laughter. Tori rolled her eyes and playfully pushed me away. Andre was laughing at our exchange and the fact that Tori's lack of musical talent was entertaining me.

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now