Ping Pong and Fancy Dinners

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Hello, my beautiful readers! I'm so excited that this story is getting so much attention! A little over 2K!!!!!!!!! I love you all. Thank you!




"Hey, (Y/N)," Tori greeted as she walked up to me while I was at my locker. I smiled at her in greeting and offered my own 'hello' in return.

"So, about the ping pong team..."

I closed my locker and gazed at her weirdly. "What about it?"

"Ah-ha! So, you admit there is one!" She exclaimed as she shoved a finger in my face, making me flinch back.

"Alright, take it easy, Sherlock," I chastised while moving her finger away. "Andre already mentioned that they told you."

A disappointed look adorned her face. "Oh, okay. Well, can I join?"

"You know I'm not the captain. Talk to Jade."

"Well, yeah, but I thought since we're such good friends-"

"I'm not asking Jade for you. Go."

"Ugh," she groaned. "Can you come with me? She actually likes you, maybe seeing you will put her in a better mood."

I chuckled. "You're seriously overestimating me. But sure, I'll come. I wouldn't mind a good laugh."

She sent me a sarcastic look before taking the lead to find Jade. It wasn't hard. Jade was talking to a girl she shares a class with at the top of the steps. I stayed on the first level while Tori eagerly ran to stand behind her. Her initial plan was to wait until Jade finished talking. But then, five minutes passed and it was becoming clear that Jade was just making conversation with the girl to avoid speaking to Tori. It was a little comical, but mostly it was rude and annoying.

"Jade, Jade, Jade," Tori started repeating after waiting for far too long. "I'm not going away. And you can't just say no."

Jade rolled her eyes before masking it with a friendly face as she turned to Tori. "No. No. No. No. No. No. No," Jade countered, changing her tone of voice each time and even singing at the end. This situation was finally amusing and I was happily giggling.

"Alright, well you can," Tori relented at a loss for a comeback. Jade smirked and sipped at her coffee. Tori was still floundering for something to say when Lane walked by. "Lane," Tori started. "Can you come here please?"

Jade was ready to walk off before Tori demanded, "Don't move."

"I'm staying here because I wanna stay here," Jade retorted while Tori met Lane on the ground-level.

"What's up?" Lane asked.

"Jade is the captain of the ping pong team and I wanna try out and she says I can't."

I was slightly confused by Tori's statement. Did I miss the part when she actually asked? "Yup, that's what I says," Jade stated as she walked down the stairs to stand next to Tori.

"Well, actually," I started, inserting myself into the conversation. "Tori hasn't actually asked. Jade hasn't given her the chance." Jade gave me a warning glance, telling me to help her out of this. I merely shrugged her off.

"Oh, come on," Lane whined, "Why do you all have to drag me into your problems?"

Tori sent me a questioning look to which I shrugged before she gave Lane the same look. "Uh, you're the guidance counselor here," she reasoned. "Can we have some guidance?"

Victorious {Beck Oliver x Female!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now